Good Morning, We have received an updated list of walk-in vaccination clinics being held throughout the state. You may view the updated list here: As a reminder, Slate Valley Unified School District is hosting vaccination clinics at the Fair Haven Union High School on August 30th and September 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in coordination with the Vermont Department of Health and the Agency of Education. The clinics are open to students ages 12 and up, parents and other unvaccinated members of the community. To make an appointment visit the Vermont Department of Health’s website here:
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Dear Slate Valley Parents, Families and Athletes, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kim Alexander and I am the new athletic director for the Slate Valley Middle Schools and Fair Haven Union High School. I am taking a step away from my teaching position at Fair Haven Grade School to be an Athletic Director for our district full time. I have been the MS athletic director for the district these past 4 years and athletic director for FHGS for the past 19 years. I look forward to working with all of our student athletes grades 5-12, and their families. Athletic opportunities in the Slate Valley District are as follows: FHUHS: Fall- Football Varsity / JV Soccer - Varsity Girls Varsity Boys (JV if we have the numbers) Field Hockey - Varsity Bass Fishing - Varsity Golf - Varsity Club Cheer Cross Country - Varsity Winter- Boys Basketball - Varsity / JV Girls Basketball - Varsity / JV Wrestling - Varsity Indoor Track - Varsity Bowling - Varsity Winter Cheer/Competition - Varsity Spring- Baseball - Varsity / JV Softball - Varsity / JV Track and Field - Varsity Slate Valley MS: Fall- Padded Flag Football Cross Country District ⅞ Girls Soccer District ⅞ Boys Soccer FHGS/BVS ⅚ Boys and Girls Soccer CES/OVS ⅚ Boys and Girls Soccer Winter- Basketball ⅞ Boys CVS/OVS - FHGS/BVS Basketball ⅞ Girls CVS/OVS - FHGS/ BVS Basketball ⅚ Boys CES/OVS - FHGS/BVS Basketball ⅚ Girls CES/OVS - FHGS/BVS Wrestling ⅞ Boys and Girls Spring- Slate Valley District ⅞ Boys Baseball Slate Valley District ⅞ Girls Softball Slate Valley District 6-8 Track and Field Slate Valley Athletic Registration is done through ---- Please go on and register your athlete. At this point Slate Valley District is still requiring a YEARLY PHYSICAL, but I will keep you updated if there are any changes. MANDATORY -- FALL SPORTS KICKOFF for all athletes grades 5th - 12th participating in a sport in Fall of 2021. Thursday, August 26th at Fair Haven Union High School (FHUHS) at the Football bleachers and Tower. 5:30pm start. The booster club will be providing Hot dogs and Water. Schedule 5:30-5:50pm -- hot dogs/water 5:50-6:00pm --move to bleachers 6:00pm -- start time Kim A - Welcome and Introductions Ben W and Kate L - Administration welcome Eric Ramey and Jason Buxton - Booster club/ apparel info Mike Finnegan - Concussion, athletic safety protocol 4 Season photo information (envelopes w/ coaches) Kim A - organize and send athletes and parents w/ coaches *** This is an important meeting to attend. Coaches will be in attendance to give out information and answer any questions. Please put this in your calendar to attend.*** Practice and Games schedules: Slate Valley MS athletics: can be found on the Slate Valley App and website FHUHS athletics: can be found on the Slate Valley App and Leagueminder - game schedules are posted on the bulletin board outside Mrs. A’s office. I am excited for this new opportunity. My goal is to have a seamless athletic program where our Varsity coaches are working with our MS coaches and our MS coaches are looking to our Varsity coaches for mentoring and information. I look forward to meeting all of your student-athletes and helping to make their athletic experience in Slate Valley a positive one. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email at or by phone at 265-4966 x 2510. All my best, Kim
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
New Soccer Officials Clinic Date: Saturday Aug. 21 Location: Burr and Burton Academy, Manchester, VT Time: Classroom session 11am-12:30. On-field work 1pm refereeing an in-house Burr and Burton boys team scrimmage. Cost: $25 on-line with register with NFHS Insurance on Dragonfly. Clinic cost $50 (check payable to Eric Evans) covers clinic, rulebook, directory, and VSOA membership through Dec. 31, 2021. Equipment Needed: Laptop/tablet/phone which can access internet. Bring as much refereeing gear as you have. RSVP required: to Eric Evans 802-345-8627 (c)
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Tonight (August 9th) You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Fair Haven Union High School. This meeting will be in-person or you may virtually connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 929 069 342 6592# Tonight’s Agenda: Previous Meeting Minutes:
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Board Spotlight
Good Morning, In coordination with the Vermont Department of Health and the Agency of Education, the Slate Valley Unified School District is hosting a vaccination clinic at the Fair Haven Union High School on August 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The clinic will be operated by the Vermont National Guard and is open to students ages 12 and up, parents and other unvaccinated members of the community. There will be follow-up clinics taking place on August 30th and September 20th also at Fair Haven Union High School. By hosting three clinics, those ages 12 years of age and older in our community can be fully vaccinated by the early part of October. To make an appointment visit the Vermont Department of Health’s website here: Clinic Details: August 9th from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fair Haven Union High School 33 Mechanic St Fair Haven, VT
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Fair Haven Recreation & Slate Valley Vermont Youth Project Presents: Family Summer Pop Up Series Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. Fair Haven Town Park
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Family Summer Pop Up Series
Slate Valley Summer Camp 2021:
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Summer Camp
Fall Sports Registration for Slate Valley Middle School Padded Flag Football - district w/ Coach Shaddock and Rice (at FHUHS) Cross Country - district (at FHUHS) w/ TBD Soccer -7/8 boys district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD Soccer -7/8 girls district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD FHGS/BVS -5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at FHGS) w/ TBD -CES/OVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at CES) w/ coach Austin Brannock Please register your athlete at If you have any questions or concerns there is a "help" line on the registration. Physicals are required yearly - so please check with your doctor to make sure your athlete is up to date. Physical forms will need to be uploaded onto or handed to Kim Alexander, AD. Athletes will not be able to participate in athletics without an updated physical. Registration runs through August 30th. Please sign up early!
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
We are excited to offer a new after school program for students in grades K-8 for the 2021-2022 school year through a collaboration with Boys & Girls Club of Rutland County. Please see the flyer for details.
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley After School Program
Employment Opportunities: Slate Valley is seeking an Interventionist for the 2021-2022 school year at the Fair Haven Grade School. VT licensure or eligibility is required. For additional information contact Principal, Deborah Infurna at or call 265-3883. All applicants must apply on Positions will remain open until filled. EOE Slate Valley is seeking a K-12 Art Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. Proper licensure required. For additional information, please contact Deborah Infurna, FHGS Principal at 802-265-3883. Applicants must apply on Position will remain open until filled. EOE For additional employment opportunities:
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Fall Sports Registration for Slate Valley Middle School Padded Flag Football - district w/ Coach Shaddock and Rice (at FHUHS) Cross Country - district (at FHUHS) w/ TBD Soccer 7/8 boys district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD Soccer 7/8 girls district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD FHGS/BVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at FHGS) w/ TBD CES/OVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at CES) w/ coach Austin Brannock Please register your athlete at If you have any questions or concerns there is a "help" line on the registration. Physicals are required yearly - so please check with your doctor to make sure your athlete is up to date. Physical forms will need to be uploaded onto or handed to Kim Alexander, AD. Athletes will not be able to participate in athletics without an updated physical. Registration opens -- June 28th - August 30th. Please sign up early!
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Fair Haven Recreation & Slate Valley Vermont Youth Project Presents: Family Summer Pop Up Series Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. Fair Haven Town Park
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Family Summer Pop Up Series
Tonight! (July 21st) You’re invited to a Special Meeting of the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board at 6:00 p.m. in the FHUHS Band Room. This meeting will be in-person or you may virtually connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 527 672 701 5804# Tonight’s Agenda: Previous Meeting Minutes:
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Board Spotlight
5th Annual Mike Roberts Memorial Basketball Clinic
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Basketball Clinic
New Soccer Officials Clinic Date: Saturday Aug. 21 Location: Burr and Burton Academy, Manchester, VT Time: Classroom session 11am-12:30. On-field work 1pm refereeing an in-house Burr and Burton boys team scrimmage. Cost: $25 on-line with register with NFHS Insurance on Dragonfly. Clinic cost $50 (check payable to Eric Evans) covers clinic, rulebook, directory, and VSOA membership through Dec. 31, 2021. Equipment Needed: Laptop/tablet/phone which can access internet. Bring as much refereeing gear as you have. RSVP required: to Eric Evans 802-345-8627 (c)
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Fall Sports Registration for Slate Valley Middle School Padded Flag Football - district w/ Coach Shaddock and Rice (at FHUHS) Cross Country - district (at FHUHS) w/ TBD Soccer 7/8 boys district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD Soccer 7/8 girls district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD FHGS/BVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at FHGS) w/ TBD CES/OVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at CES) w/ coach Austin Brannock Please register your athlete at If you have any questions or concerns there is a "help" line on the registration. Physicals are required yearly - so please check with your doctor to make sure your athlete is up to date. Physical forms will need to be uploaded onto or handed to Kim Alexander, AD. Athletes will not be able to participate in athletics without an updated physical. Registration opens -- June 28th - August 30th. Please sign up early!
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Fair Haven Recreation & Slate Valley Vermont Youth Project Presents: Family Summer Pop Up Series Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. Fair Haven Town Park
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Family Summer Pop Up Series
5th Annual Mike Roberts Memorial Basketball Clinic
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Basketball Clinic
FHUHS CHEER CAMP July 12-16th (Monday - Friday) 1:30-4:30 p.m. at FHGS Gym This camp is open to ANY incoming 8th -12th grader - Boys and Girls in the Slate Valley School District. Come join the fun - learn team building skills, how to be a leader, what cheering is all about, and work on basic fundamentals cheering. NO prior experience needed!! Come one, come all! Join Varsity Cheer and Competition Coach, Danielle Burdick for the week. You will need comfortable clothing, sneakers and a water bottle. Please enter the FHGS gym from the back parking lot and on the Dollar General side. No sign up or enrollment - just show up.
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley
Fall Sports Registration for Slate Valley Middle School Padded Flag Football - district w/ Coach Shaddock and Rice (at FHUHS) Cross Country - district (at FHUHS) w/ TBD Soccer 7/8 boys district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD Soccer 7/8 girls district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD FHGS/BVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at FHGS) w/ TBD CES/OVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at CES) w/ coach Austin Brannock Please register your athlete at If you have any questions or concerns there is a "help" line on the registration. Physicals are required yearly - so please check with your doctor to make sure your athlete is up to date. Physical forms will need to be uploaded onto or handed to Kim Alexander, AD. Athletes will not be able to participate in athletics without an updated physical. Registration opens -- June 28th - August 30th. Please sign up early!
over 3 years ago, Slate Valley