Reminder! Online registration is open through November 8 for Slate Valley Middle School Winter Sports (Basketball & Wrestling). Register online at: https://bit.ly/2B0TSAC

Scenes from throughout the district. #SlateValleyUnified

Slate Valley Expands Telemedicine School Health Program: http://www.slatevalleyunified.org/article/143327?org=fhgs

Scenes from throughout the district.

Scenes from throughout the district.

Exciting solar projects are underway in the Slate Valley: http://slatevalleyvt.apptegy.us/article/137087?org=svusd

Scenes throughout the district.

The SVUUSD Board is seeking 2 Hubbardton and 1 West Haven citizen to fill vacated seats on the District School Board. If interested, please submit a letter of interest to the Slate Valley Board, care of Superintendent of Schools bfarrell@svuvt.org.

More from the first few days around #SlateValleyUnified!

Scenes from #SlateValleyUnified during the first few days of school!

Due to a lack of a quorum, the SV Policy Committee, SV Building & Grounds Committee, and SVUUSD Board meetings have been cancelled for tonight - Monday, August 26.

Congratulations to all of our 2019 District Award recipients! (continued)

Everyone in the Slate Valley is back and gearing up for an exciting school year!
This morning during our district-wide gathering, we recognized some of the many outstanding members of our Slate Valley community.
Congratulations to all of our 2019 District Award recipients!

Being on-the-go doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected with your child’s school. Our new app has everything you need to be an active participant in your child’s education Features include: Live Feed, News, Events, Athletics, Documents, Notifications and more.

Our schools (part 2) Fair Haven Grade School, Fair Haven Union High School and Orwell Village School

Our schools (part 1) Benson Village School, Castleton Elementary School and Castleton Village School

Join host Dan Warnecke as he talks with Melissa Hoyer (and a student helper!) about the Snack Sack program: https://youtu.be/tFywZN5CYv4