Reminder - Tonight! Please join Casey O'Meara, Slate Valley's Director of Curriculum, for an informational meeting on leveraging Title I Schoolwide Programs to Address Barriers to Academic Success at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 9th at Castleton Elementary School.
The meeting can also be accessed using the following google meet link: https://meet.google.com/wpn-eika-ozr?hs=122&authuser=0.
You may view the slides (with a survey at the end) from the presentation here: https://bit.ly/3h1Bddb.

Reminder - this Thursday! Please join Casey O'Meara, Slate Valley's Director of Curriculum, for an informational meeting on leveraging Title I Schoolwide Programs to Address Barriers to Academic Success at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 9th at Castleton Elementary School.
The meeting can also be accessed using the following google meet link: https://meet.google.com/wpn-eika-ozr?hs=122&authuser=0.
You may view the slides (with a survey at the end) from the presentation here: https://bit.ly/3h1Bddb.

Dear Slate Valley Families,
On Monday, September 6, 2021 we learned about a person in our learning community with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) at Fair Haven Grade School. We recommend that you take action to help limit the spread of COVID-19, even if your child is not experiencing symptoms.
The most important things you can do:
-Make sure your child is wearing a mask when recommended or required.
-Make sure your child is washing their hands.
-Keep your child home if they are sick.
-Call your primary care provider if you or your child has symptoms of COVID-19.
-Make sure that your children get vaccinated when they are eligible. Find a location near you.
People who may have been exposed will be notified:
Anyone who is not fully vaccinated and was in close contact with the person who tested positive may have been exposed to the virus and will be asked to quarantine, which means staying home and away from other people for up to 14 days. Read more about what it means to quarantine.
Anyone who is fully vaccinated or has recovered from COVID-19 within the past 3 months and was in close contact with the person who tested positive does not need to quarantine unless they develop symptoms.
If you are identified as someone who may have been exposed, someone from either Fair Haven Grade School or the Health Department will notify you and will provide information and guidance on quarantine and other recommendations. If the Health Department calls, make sure to answer the phone or call them back. Fair Haven Grade School left voicemails for families today that we have been unable to get in touch with so please check your voicemail. For those students now in quarantine remote learning will start on Wednesday, September 8th.
Additionally, if your student is in quarantine and would like access to meals please notify the main office of the school and arrangements will be made to provide your child with meals during the quarantine period.
Please read the complete letter from Superintendent Olsen-Farrell here: https://5il.co/yit7

Please join Casey O'Meara, Slate Valley's Director of Curriculum, for an informational meeting on leveraging Title I Schoolwide Programs to Address Barriers to Academic Success at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 9th at Castleton Elementary School.
The meeting can also be accessed using the following google meet link: https://meet.google.com/wpn-eika-ozr?hs=122&authuser=0.
You may view the slides (with a survey at the end) from the presentation here: https://bit.ly/3h1Bddb.

Correction/Update - Boys and Girls Club will be opening tomorrow, Thursday, September 2nd, at all locations except Benson Village School.
Boys and Girls Club at Benson Village School will be delaying their opening to Tuesday, September 7th due to COVID related staffing issues.
We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience this may cause.

Dear Slate Valley Families,
Boys and Girls Club will have a delayed opening of Thursday, September 2nd due to a COVID case. This means that the Boys and Girls Club is canceled in ALL Slate Valley schools tomorrow, September 1st. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Brooke Olsen-Farrell, Superintendent

Fair Haven Recreation and Slate Valley Vermont Youth Project are hosting their final Summer Pop Up Event tomorrow, Wednesday, September 1st at 6 p.m. in the Fair Haven Town Park:
-Get to know your community
-End of Summer Party
-Free Stewart's Ice Cream

Fall Sports Registration for Slate Valley Middle School
Padded Flag Football - district w/ Coach Shaddock and Rice (at FHUHS)
Cross Country - district (at FHUHS) w/ TBD
Soccer 7/8 boys district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
Soccer 7/8 girls district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
FHGS/BVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
CES/OVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at CES) w/ coach Austin Brannock
Please register your athlete at Formreleaf.com. If you have any questions or concerns there is a "help" line on the registration. Physicals are required yearly - so please check with your doctor to make sure your athlete is up to date. Physical forms will need to be uploaded onto formreleaf.com or handed to Kim Alexander, AD. Athletes will not be able to participate in athletics without an updated physical.
Registration opens -- June 28th - August 30th. Please sign up early!

The Boys & Girls Club of Rutland County is seeking Youth Development Professionals for our facilities located in Castleton, Fair Haven, Benson, Orwell, and Rutland. If you enjoy working with children and like being on your feet and interacting, making their afterschool experience high quality and fun, then the Boys & Girls Club might be a perfect fit for you. Please see the position description for more details: https://5il.co/y1dj

Dear Slate Valley Families,
Your child’s school will be offering weekly COVID testing for ages 5 and up for both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals. We will be starting weekly surveillance testing on September 15th. It will occur weekly every Wednesday after that. It is completely voluntary. If you are interested you need to complete a consent form on-line. https://www.cic-health.com/consent/vt. After consenting you should receive an email from COMMUNICATION INTEL. Your building nurse will be organizing the testing.
Frequently asked questions about the testing program. https://education.vermont.gov/news/covid-19-guidance-vermont-schools/school-staff-covid19-surveillance-testing/school-staff-resources
Please reach out to your school nurse if you have any questions.

Congratulations to all of today’s award recipients!
SVUUSD Executive Awards:
Amy Jackson and Allison Cosey (CVS)
Elizabeth Schuyler, Bryan Muller, Jessica Sturtevant, Jessica Thurston (BVS)
UVM Outstanding Teacher Awards:
Jessica Sturtevant
Jessica, a model of grit and resilience. These are probably not the attributes that Jessica thought would get her nominated for UVM Outstanding Teacher and yet, here we are. Just 3 short years into her career, Jessica has accomplished more than many as they approach retirement. She has taught 1st through 4th grades in every possible combination imaginable, completed 2 years of her Vermont Mathematics Initiative Masters program, and never shied away from a committee position or volunteer role. Jessica has taken full advantage of being part of a small school and works tirelessly to provide the highest level of student engagement and instruction. She works as elegantly in a team setting as she does solo. Jessica’s reflective approach to her own development as an educator highlights her intuition and maturity.
Kristen Partesi
Kristen is a high school art teacher at Fair Haven Union High School which currently serves students in grades 9-12. Kristen is the sole visual arts teacher at the high school and provides an extremely robust visual arts program for her students. Kristen spent hours planning and organizing to provide her students with an incredible art education experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kristen, on multiple occasions, sought and secured approval to work extra hours in the building in order to have her materials ready and safe for students. She is as talented and dedicated as they come and her students adore her for it.
SVUUSD Outstanding Teacher Awards:
Jessica Sturtevant (BVS)
Kim Lucci and Randi Ray (CES)
Tom DeMatties (CVS)
Margaret Quinn and Kevin Eddy (FHGS)
Kristen Partesi (FHUHS)
Michelle Eagan (Orwell)
Instructional Assistant Award:
Colleen Howard (BVS)
Linda Corliss (CES)
William Tyler (CVS)
Susan Howe and Launee Salamin (FHGS)
David Anderson (FHUHS)
Rebecca Warner (OVS)
SVUUSD Special Service Award Letter:
Nursing Team: Angela Allard, Ashley Casey, Kaitlin Ellis, Heather Hollister, Amanda Keller, Jetta Loomis, Deb Williams, and Mary Winn

Good afternoon,
As a reminder, there will be a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Monday, August 30th at Fair Haven Union High School (33 Mechanic Street, Fair Haven) from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
There will be an additional clinic on Monday, September 20th at Fair Haven Union High School (33 Mechanic Street, Fair Haven) from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
A full list of clinics, clinic hours and registration information can be found at http://www.healthvermont.gov/MyVaccine

Tonight's Fall Sports Kick Off -- POSTPONED (due to heat and T storm threat) to MONDAY, AUGUST 30th at FHUHS. This meeting is for ALL coaches, athletes and parents in grades 5 - 12. We will be covering Fall sports, Covid, Booster Club, Concussion and Safety and much more. Please plan to attend and meet your coaches and go over Fall Sport information.

Reminder - Slate Valley is offering a new after school program for students in grades K-8 for the 2021-2022 school year through a collaboration with Boys & Girls Club of Rutland County. Please see the flyer for details.
Membership applications are available in the office of your school or at our Rutland Club on Merchants Row in Rutland. They are also available online: https://www.slatevalleyunified.org/browse/237031

Dear Slate Valley Families,
I understand that there has been frustration with busing routes and the length of time projected for routes. Please know that this is not what we want. We fully acknowledge that some of our bus routes are way too long and we are doing all we can to correct the situation. The bus company simply does not have enough drivers. However, the bus company is working diligently to find and train drivers. This situation is not unique to Slate Valley. 80 percent of school districts in the United States have a driver shortage. Schools will be in communication with families if your child’s route is impacted by the shortage. Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have questions about routes please contact your child’s school.
Brooke Olsen-Farrell

Tonight (August 23rd)
You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Benson Village School. This meeting will be in person or you may virtually connect by going to https://meet.google.com/oax-xrge-pps or join by phone (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 581 126 790 4408#
Tonight’s Agenda: https://5il.co/xezk
Previous Meeting Minutes: https://5il.co/x8eq
Next Board Meeting: September 13, 6:30 p.m., FHUHS

Fall Sports Registration for Slate Valley Middle School
Padded Flag Football - district w/ Coach Shaddock and Rice (at FHUHS)
Cross Country - district (at FHUHS) w/ TBD
Soccer 7/8 boys district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
Soccer 7/8 girls district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
FHGS/BVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
CES/OVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at CES) w/ coach Austin Brannock
Please register your athlete at Formreleaf.com. If you have any questions or concerns there is a "help" line on the registration. Physicals are required yearly - so please check with your doctor to make sure your athlete is up to date. Physical forms will need to be uploaded onto formreleaf.com or handed to Kim Alexander, AD. Athletes will not be able to participate in athletics without an updated physical.
Registration opens -- June 28th - August 30th. Please sign up early!

Good afternoon,
Here is a list of upcoming walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics in Slate Valley:
Monday, August 30thFair Haven Union High School33 Mechanic Street, Fair Haven9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday, September 20thFair Haven Union High School33 Mechanic Street, Fair Haven9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
A full list of clinics, clinic hours and registration information can be found at http://www.healthvermont.gov/MyVaccine
If you are not seeing a clinic scheduled in your area yet; please be aware that we are working to confirm and schedule additional clinics. We will continue to send an updated list with additional dates as they are confirmed. Vaccine will also be available at pharmacies and other community locations around Vermont.

Our August 18th pop up has been canceled. Instead, please join us on September 1st at 6 PM in the Fair Haven Town Park for:
-Get to Know Your Community
-End of Summer Party
-Free Ice Cream from Impact Fair Haven

Fall Sports Registration for Slate Valley Middle School
Padded Flag Football - district w/ Coach Shaddock and Rice (at FHUHS)
Cross Country - district (at FHUHS) w/ TBD
Soccer 7/8 boys district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
Soccer 7/8 girls district - (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
FHGS/BVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at FHGS) w/ TBD
CES/OVS 5/6 Boys and Girls Soccer (based at CES) w/ coach Austin Brannock
Please register your athlete at Formreleaf.com. If you have any questions or concerns there is a "help" line on the registration. Physicals are required yearly - so please check with your doctor to make sure your athlete is up to date. Physical forms will need to be uploaded onto formreleaf.com or handed to Kim Alexander, AD. Athletes will not be able to participate in athletics without an updated physical.
Registration opens -- June 28th - August 30th. Please sign up early!