4th Budget Vote - May 30, 2024 ABSENTEE BALLOTS ARE AVAILABLE! Information Meeting - May 29, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Band Room. Attend in Person or virtually at https://meet.GooGle.com/zpj-eomo-syc By phone dial: (US) +1 443-354-8862‬ PIN: ‪417 347 949‬# To Request an Absentee Ballot, contact your town clerk or go to https://sos.vermont.gov/elections/voters/early-absentee-voting/ For more information, go to https://www.slatevalleyunified.org/o/svusd/page/budget
4 months ago, Slate Valley
4th Budget Vote Information
Next week, FHUMHS students will be practicing an Options-Based drill. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about this process, or would like to learn more.
4 months ago, Ben Worthing
Reminder: Tonight at 5:30 PM in the FHUMHS Cafeteria. Please join us for our follow-up Meeting from April 30th!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Portrait of a Graduate Community Forum
This weekend, six Fair Haven Union students participated at the statewide music festival. The students were Elaina Allard, Jack Aicher, Emmet MacKay, Ayame Merkel, Elisabeth Rockwell, and Clara Young. They did an amazing job during rehearsals and in the concerts! Congratulations Slaters!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
music festival participants
Tonight - May 13, 2024 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Castleton Elementary School Cafeteria. This meeting will be in person. Virtually connect by going to: https://meet.google.com/sys-rwwr-kxq Or dial: (US) +1 443-489-6279 PIN: 672 436 086# Please note: To participate in conversation virtually and/or ask a question virtually, please use the “raise hand” icon in Google Meet. Typing responses or questions in chat is not an option.
4 months ago, Slate Valley
May 13th Board Meeting
Reminder: Tomorrow, May 11th! Come support the Class of 2026 at their Basket Raffle!!!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Class of 2026 Basket Raffle
The Slate Valley Unified USD Budget did not pass. 3rd Vote Results: No: 891 Yes: 798
4 months ago, Slate Valley
vote results
It was a fun, informative lunch with the Superintendent today. Some fantastic seventh graders shared great suggestions for the upcoming year.
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Lunch with the Superintendent
Please Vote Today!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Vote today
Reminder: Please Vote Tomorrow - Thursday - May 9th Polls open at 10 AM with the exception of Castleton, which opens at 8 AM. All Polls Close at 7 PM.
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Please Vote May 9th
Slate Valley community, if you weren't able to attend last night's budget information meeting here's your chance to see and hear first hand what happened: https://bit.ly/May7InfoMtg PLEASE WATCH then VOTE tomorrow May 9th!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
May 7th Meeting Video
Vermont Public Article: Read it at https://www.vermontpublic.org/local-news/2024-05-07/dozens-school-districts-remain-without-budget And PLEASE VOTE tomorrow, May 9th!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Vermont Public Article
Reminder: This Saturday, May 11th!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Basket Raffle Class of 2026
This Saturday! Please come, have some fun, win some great baskets, and support the Class of 2026!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Basket Raffle Class of 2026
Class of 2026 Basket Raffle
Class of 2026 Basket Raffle
Class of 2026 Basket Raffle
New Superintendent's Podcast: Interview with FHUMHS Co-Principal, Ms. Paquette. View at: https://bit.ly/EdInFHUMS
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Interview with FHUMS Principal
Reminder: Tomorrow - 3rd Budget Vote Information Meeting: Tuesday, May 7th - 6:30 PM Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Band Room PARTICIPATION WILL BE IN PERSON or VIRTUALLY CONNECT BY GOING TO https://meet.google.com/hev-zcnz-bdv Or dial: ‪(US) +1 432-652-6369‬ PIN: ‪509 205 701‬#
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Budget Vote Information Meeting
Reminder: Tomorrow, May 7th, Join us for the next Community Advisory Council Meeting, 5:00 PM at FHUMHS, then stay for the Budget Information Meeting at 6:30 PM!
4 months ago, Slate Valley
May Community Advisory Council Mtg.
FHUMS May Newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/h1j93
4 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUMS May Newsletter
FHUMS May Newsletter
FHUMS May Newsletter
FHUMS May Newsletter
It's Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! This morning Slate Valley administrators kicked off the celebration by delivering coffee and danishes to faculty and staff at Fair Haven Union Middle & High School. We are thankful for their unwavering commitment to the students of our district. Every day this week they will honor the teachers and staff at one of our district schools! Stay tuned to see who's next?
4 months ago, Slate Valley
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Teacher Appreciation Week at FHUMHS
Available to every student, every morning!
4 months ago, Slate Valley