Available to every student, every morning!
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Breakfast Available
And the project is... Bird houses!!!! Great job to students in the FHU Design Class! Many of the finished houses will be hung around campus to establish new real estate for our feathered friends.
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Bird House Build
Please Vote!
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Please Vote
Your Vote Counts! Tonight's Budget Information Meeting - 6:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Band Room. Join virtually by going to: https://meet.google.com/zpj-eomo-syc or phone dial: (US) +1 443-354-8862‬ PIN: ‪417 347 949‬# Cast your vote tomorrow, May 30th!
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Have questions about the budget? Then attend the Budget Information Meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle and High School Band Room. Join virtually by going to: https://meet.google.com/zpj-eomo-syc or phone dial: (US) +1 443-354-8862‬ PIN: ‪417 347 949‬#
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Budget Vote Information Meeting
Mr. VanDerKern's design class students are beginning a new project, what could it be? Stay tuned and we'll see the objects come together over the next couple of weeks.
3 months ago, Slate Valley
New Design Class Project
New Design Class Project
New Design Class Project
New Design Class Project
The FHUHS marching band was busy over Memorial Day weekend. They marched in the Castleton, Fair Haven, and Orwell parades. Great job Slaters, thank you for representing the district in honoring our fallen veterans.
3 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS Marching Band
FHUHS Marching Band
FHUHS Marching Band
FHUHS Marching Band
Are you registered to VOTE? It's not too late, visit: https://www.vote.org/register-to-vote/vermont/ and let your voice be heard this Thursday, May 30th. Please attend the Slate Valley Budget Information Meeting the night before on Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Band Room. Attendance can be in person or virtual by going to: https://meet.google.com/zpj-eomo-syc. Cast your ballot fully informed, every vote counts!
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Registered to Vote?
FHUHS Newsletter: Week of May 23, 2024 - to see the full PDF version, go to: https://secure.smore.com/n/0a4xm
3 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS Newsletter May 23
This past Wednesday, May 22nd, at FHUHS, Mrs. Chang's Belonging Club organized a very successful Multi-Cultural Foods Event. During the lunch periods, students and staff were invited to try various dishes from around the world. Over a dozen students prepared meals to share with the rest of the school.
3 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS Multi-Cultural Foods Event
FHUHS Multi-Cultural Foods Event
FHUHS Multi-Cultural Foods Event
FHUHS Multi-Cultural Foods Event
FHUHS Multi-Cultural Foods Event
FHUHS Multi-Cultural Foods Event
Slate Valley Unified wishes everyone a safe, enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend! On this Monday we hope you take a moment to honor and remember the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Chalk Drawing by FHGS First Graders
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Today, FHUMS Principal, Guidance Counselor and two of the 7th grade teachers visited Castleton Elementary School, Fair Haven Grade School, Orwell Village School, and Benson Village School, to meet with current 6th graders and talk about middle school next year. The team fielded great questions and FHUMS is excited to see all of our incoming 7th grade students again on June 5th when they visit the Middle School.
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Middle School visits sending schools
On Wednesday, May 22, the FHU Law Enforcement & Public Service class went on a field trip with SRO Hunter to the Vermont Police and Fire Academies. While there, students learned about the requirements for the entry into the academies, training and classes offered, and career opportunities. They also had the opportunity to learn about and apply their knowledge of the use and escalation of force. The students gained both knowledge and skills around careers in both policing and fire rescue.
3 months ago, Slate Valley
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHU Law enforcement class visits police and fire academy
FHUMS Newsletter for the week of May 21st. To view the online version go to: https://secure.smore.com/n/8eg29
3 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUMS May 21 Newsletter
FHUMS May 21 Newsletter
FHUMS May 21 Newsletter
FHUMS May 21 Newsletter
FHUHS students from Mr. Merolle's horticulture classes left their legacy this week by planting two types of plum trees, and a cherry tree on the high school campus. #weareslatevalley
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Horticulture Class Students planting trees
Horticulture Class Students planting trees
FHUHS Newsletter from Week May 13-17 - To view the web version go to: https://secure.smore.com/n/ah8eb
3 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
FHUHS May 17 Newsletter
Slate Valley would like to extend a huge thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle and Vermont Fish and Wildlife for supporting 27 students during our most recent session of LifeTime Activities. They supplied all the bait and tackle!
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle
Thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle
Thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle
Thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle
Thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle
Thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle
Thanks to Tom's Bait and Tackle
Students are starting to create their own projects using the GlowForge laser cutters in the new middle school Design Lab. In the true spirit of STEAM, this process is a blend of art and technology. Students must brainstorm an idea, create a digital work of art, and then work with the instructor to adjust laser settings to realize their vision.
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Use of Glow Forge
Use of Glow Forge
Use of Glow Forge
Reminder: Tonight at 5:30 PM in the FHUMHS Cafeteria. Please join us for our last of three meetings! Hope to see you there!
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Portrait of a Graduate Community Forum
We would like to Celebrate and Congratulate our FHUMHS Outdoor Varsity Track and Field - Boys Distance Medley Relay Team: Cole Oakman, Patrick Stone, Asa Young and Owen Knapp. They Broke the FHUHS 15 year old school record held by: Nick Book, Adam Wilson, Zack Wilson and Todd Kitchen (12:08:37) with a time of 11:55:15. Congratulations to our Track and Field Coaches and athletes on this amazing accomplishment. Slater Nation is so Proud of you!
3 months ago, Slate Valley
Congratulations Slaters