Elks Hoop Shoot: Tonight - 6:00 PM at the Glenbrook Gym at Castleton University. NOTICE: This event was originally scheduled for Tuesday, January 9th, 6:30 PM at the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Gym. It is rescheduled for tonight, with a different time of 6:00 PM and new location of Glenbrook Gym at Castleton University.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Elk Hoop Shoot
Today, January 10th, all Slate Valley Schools are on a 2-hour delay due to storm-related issues.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley Unified USD School Board Members Needed! Please consider serving your community by running for a position on the district's school board. If interested, contact your town office, get your required voters signatures and return your petition by January 18, 2024 to be on the March ballot for this year's Town Meeting day.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
School Board Members Needed
Today: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - All Boys & Girls Clubs are canceled due to the impending weather.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Boys & Girls Clubs are Canceled
Today, Tuesday, January 9, 2024: All After School Activities have been CANCELED due to the impending weather.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
After School Activities are Canceled
Introducing our new Podcast series called: Educational Insights, hosted by Superintendent Brooke Olsen-Farrell. Here educational topics will be discussed, particularly those that pertain to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District. Most episodes include guests who specialize in the area covered. Take a look at the first few episodes by going to: https://bit.ly/EdInsightsSVUUSD
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Educational Insights
Tonight - January 8, 2024 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/yix-tqbg-xmh Or dial: (US) +1 929-276-1079 PIN: 671 674 217#
8 months ago, Slate Valley
School Board Meeting on January 8, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Curious about the FY25 School Budget? Do you have questions or concerns? Want to better understand what you will be voting on this March 5th? Then please attend one, or all, of the FY25 Budget Forums. The first four sessions will be in person only, the last date will be virtual only. We hope to see you there!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
FY25 Budget Forum
Next week, FHUMHS students will be practicing an ALICE safety drill. More specifically, they will practice the "Lock in Place" procedure which involves locking and barricading doors. Students will be made aware beforehand that this is a practice drill.
8 months ago, Ben Worthing
The 2024 Vermont Elks Hoop Shoot sponsored by the Rutland Elks Lodge #345 will be held on Sunday, January 7, 2024 at Fair Haven Union High School, 33 Mechanic St., Fair Haven, Vt. beginning with registration at 10:00 a.m. The contest is open to boys and girls in the following groups: Age 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13 and is based on their age as on April 1, 2024. Winners in each group will advance to the Southern District final to be held on Saturday, January 13th in Springfield Vermont and will compete for an opportunity to advance to the Vermont and New England finals. The Elks National Hoop Shoot Finals will be held in April 2024 in Chicago. There is no charge to enter the contest. For questions and further information please contact the Rutland Elks Lodge at 802-773-6266.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Elks Hoop Shoot
Slater Nation held a tribute to Coach Mike Barsalow at last night's varsity boys game. Kyle Wilson gave an impressive speech in which he called the man of honor onto the court. Barsalow’s accolades were shared, these included leading his teams to 318 wins, 6 MVL championships, advancing teams to 8 final fours and participating in 4 state championships. Members from the 1971 state championship team joined Barsalow on the floor, drawing a standing ovation and huge round of applause. The 1971 team then presented Coach Barsalow with a special slate plaque in the shape of Vermont that reads, “Celebrating Michael Barsalow… Teacher, Coach and Friend!” A second plaque was also presented, this one to hang with pride within the walls of Fair Haven Middle and High School. Afterwards former players in attendance joined the 1971 state championship team for a photo with Coach Barsalow.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Coach Barsalow and the 1971 Team
Plaque presented to Barsalow
Group Photo
Tonight: Please join us for the next Community Advisory Coucil meeting January 2nd at 5:45 PM in the Central Office conference room located at FHUMHS. All are welcome! See the agenda at https://www.slatevalleyunified.org/page/slate-valley-community-advisory-council
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Community Advisory Council meeting January 2nd at 5:45 PM
Please support our FHUHS Project Graduation Bottle Drive!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Project Grad Bottle Drive
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to Slate Valley. We look forward to 2024 with optimism and enthusiasm, as we continue to work together to create a nurturing and inspiring environment for our students. We wish you a wonderful break, and will see you when our doors reopen on January 2nd!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Happy Holidays from Slate Valley
Rutland Herald District Highlight
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Rutland Herald District Highlight
FHU High School Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/v75dj
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Click the image to view the entire Newsletter
FHU Middle School December Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/a5kv8
8 months ago, Slate Valley
December Newsletter, Click the image to see the full file
FHUHS Senior Spotlight: Breanna Cram
9 months ago, Slate Valley
Breanna Cram
The FHUHS Law Enforcement class invites former students to come and talk about their public service careers. Recently Sam St. Peter discussed studying fire science and working as a live-in firefighter in Gorham, ME. Then Leif Cegalis came in on his leave to discuss his experiences with basic training and infantry school with the U.S. Army. After leave, Leif heads to airborne school. Both former Slaters are succeeding and achieving in their chosen career fields. They are making Slater Nation proud.
9 months ago, Slate Valley
Alumni Visits
Alumni Visits
Congratulations to Maddy Helm! Maddy won the 2023 Rookie of the Year buckle for the American Professional Rodeo Association. She qualified for the American Finals Rodeo (AFR) in Ohio the second week of November. At the AFR Maddy won two of the three rounds and was awarded the Barrel Racing Champion buckle. As a result of her success at the AFR, Maddy qualified for the Women's Championship Rodeo Association (WCRA) event in Guthrie, Oklahoma in January where she will compete against some of the top barrel racers in the world. Best of luck, Maddy! Slater Nation will be cheering you on from afar!
9 months ago, Slate Valley
Maddy Helm
Maddy Helm