Tonight - January 22, 2024 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Benson Village School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 413-341-8928 PIN: 729 534 486#
7 months ago, Slate Valley
SVUUSD Board Meeting Announcement
Come see the amazing talents of our FHUMHS students at our annual "Night of the Elephant" talent show. The event is held on Tuesday, January 23rd, at 6:30 pm in the high school gymnasium.
7 months ago, Ben Worthing
The Outdoor Pursuits class has been learning about heat transfer in many applications, including a dive into hypothermia last week. Mr. Marchese and Mr. Kelson modeled as victims of hypothermia and the students did a great job rescuing them.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
students learned how to rescue a  victim of hypothermia
students learned how to rescue a  victim of hypothermia
students learned how to rescue a  victim of hypothermia
students learned how to rescue a  victim of hypothermia
FHUMS January Newsletter:
7 months ago, Slate Valley
FHU Middle School January Newsletter
FHUHS Newsletter: Week of January 19th
7 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS weekly newsletter Jan. 19, 2024
Tickets for the VPA Wrestling Championship on February 23 and 24, 2024 can be purchased at or scan the QR code.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
State Wrestling Championship
Tickets for the VPA Indoor Track Championship can be purchased at or scan the QR code.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Indoor Track Championships
QR code to purchase tickets for indoor track championships
FHUMHS Varsity Wrestling Senior Night Wednesday, January 24, 2024 5:45pm in the FHUHS Gym Celebrating Senior: TREY LEE and Seniors from Vergennes and Burr Burton Come one, Come all to Celebrate our Senior!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
FHU Wrestling Senior Night
Congratulations to Cole Oakman who set a 500m school record with a run of 1:24.25!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
New School Record
** Souper Bowl Food Drive ** Please join the Student Athlete Leadership Club in supporting Slate Valley Cares by donating a canned good at any High School Basketball game. Beginning today, January 18th, 2024 through the January 31st, 2024, anyone who brings a canned good to a High School Basketball (Home) game will receive $1.00 off admission. This Food Drive ends on February 10th, 2024. Please look for the “Souper Bowl Food Drive” poster and box in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School lobby. Thank you for your support!
8 months ago, Guidance Office
FHUHS Senior Spotlight: Mackenzie Balch
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Senior Spotlight Mackenzie Balch
Please come and join us tomorrow (1/17/24), at 5:30 pm, for our Belonging Potluck! We would love family and community feedback on how to continually build a school environment where every student feels the deepest sense of belonging!
8 months ago, Ben Worthing
Today, Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - All after school activities (this includes Boys & Girls Club) are canceled due to the weather.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
After School Activites Canceled
Notice: Wrong date in last post! Petitions are due January 29, 2024. Slate Valley Unified USD School Board Members Needed! Please consider serving your community by running for a position on the district's school board. If interested, contact your town office, get your required voters signatures and return your petition by January 29, 2024 to be on the March ballot for this year's Town Meeting day.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
School Board Members Needed
Curious about the FY25 School Budget? Want to better understand what you will be voting on this March 5th? Then please attend one, or all, of the FY25 Budget Forums. The first four sessions will be in person only, the last date will be virtual only. We hope to see you there!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
FY25 Budget Forums
Watch, or Listen to, the Newest Episode of Educational Insights: A Superintendent's Podcast. During this episode, Brooke Olsen-Farrell, along with Director of Curriculum, Casey O'Meara, Director of Operations, Chris Cole and Middle School Principal, Jennefer Paquette, provide an update on the renovations occurring in the Middle School wing. View at
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Tour of Middle School Renovations
Today, we celebrate the incredible legacy of a visionary leader who dedicated his life to justice, equality, and love. We hope you take a moment to reflect on Dr. King's teachings and continue the journey towards a more inclusive and compassionate world.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Happy MKL JR Day
Mrs. Clement's Foods Class held their cupcake challenge today. The judges loved them all, and had a hard time choosing the winner!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Cupcake Challenge
Cupcake Challenge
Cupcake Challenge
Cupcake Challenge
We are again partnering with Slate Valley Cares for a food drive. Collection boxes are located at the entrances of each school. The school who collects the most donations in pounds will win a day with Miss Lucy Neel. She is a member of the Nullegehanie tribe out of northern Vermont. Miss Lucy will spend the day sharing artifacts and information on the Vermont Abenaki. Donations will be accepted through Feb. 14th.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Super Bowl Food Drive Flyer
Last Week's FHUHS Newsletter:
8 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS Front Page Newsletter