Good Morning, Today, April 1st the Fair Haven Middle/High School is closed due to a boiler issue. The Stafford bus will still run. Sincerely, Brooke Olsen-Farrell
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Reminder! It's time to sign up for Slater Round-Up! Available for all rising 7th graders, (current 6th graders) See what Middle School is all about! Fill out the form at:
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Slater Roundup
Recently, middle school students in Project Build with Mr. Chris Stanton designed and constructed a work table for CES 5th grade teacher, Ms. Perry. Today, they delivered the table and assembled it in her classroom for students to readily use. Another great example of Slate Valley students and schools working as a community for their community.
5 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
FHUMS Project Build
On Friday, March 22nd, the Outdoor Pursuits Class took another trip to Glenn Lake. Students used their map reading skills and found a great site to set up camp. They were tasked with making fire using only hand drills, boil water for tea and find an area that would work well to set up a zip line. We also set up a slack line and took a short hike to a nice look out over Glenn lake. It’s was a great day.
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Outdoor Pursuits Class at Glenn Lake
Outdoor Pursuits Class at Glenn Lake
On 3-21-2024 Fair Haven Union SRO Ed Hunter spent time teaching Middle and High School students how to use speed measuring equipment. Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment. Cpl. Hunter was assisted by Fair Haven Chief William Humphries, Addison County Sheriffs Deputy Mark Gutel and Pawlet Constable Thomas Covino. Thanks to all for taking your time to help out.
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
Students learned how Radar/Lidar functions and then were able to go out and get a hands on demonstration, followed by getting to use the equipment
FHU Newsletter: Week of March 22, 2024
5 months ago, Slate Valley
FHU March 22 Newsletter
The 2024 New England Music Festival Association concert was a huge success! This year's 3 day music festival culminated in a wonderful performance by the orchestra, concert band, and chorus in the renowned Mechanics Hall in Worcester, Massachusetts. Please congratulate the three students who represented us in this prestigious event, Ayame Merkel, Clara Young, and Elaina Allard!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
 New England Music Festival
 New England Music Festival
Reminder: Tomorrow night, March 26th, is the second of the two parent information nights. Hope to see you there! You can join by going to:
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Parent Info Night
This evening, our FHUMS PTO is sponsoring a middle school dance. This dance is for FHU students in grades 7 & 8 only. We are opening the doors promptly at 7 and wrapping up right at 9. Admission is $3 or donation of a canned good. Some guidelines for this evening: Students will enter and leave through the lobby doors only. Students will be in the gym or the lobby, no other locations in the building. Cell phones are allowed. Once students arrive, they will not be allowed to leave early unless they call a parent and a staff member gets permission from the parent for the student to leave early. Parents can also come into the lobby at any time to pick up their child in person. If a student leaves early, they do not reenter the dance. We are aware there is the potential for snow. However, current predictions indicate it will be starting later on, around 8:00 pm. We should be good; but will continue to monitor. With that weather prediction, we do ask that parents are here to pick up by 9:00 so that chaperones can get out and make their trek home before the roads get too bad. Have to love Vermont spring weather! Thank you for your support in making this a fun and safe event for students!
5 months ago, FHUMS
FHUMHS students did an amazing job at today's Option-Based drill. They practiced a hypothetical situation that allowed them to exercise essential critical-thinking skills for any safety situation. We are proud of everyone's hard work to make FHU a safe environment for all of our students!
5 months ago, Ben Worthing
Congratulations to Phil Bean for being named the Rutland Herald Boys Basketball Player of the Year for the 2023-2024 season!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Rutland Herald Player of the Year
Last night, the FHUMHS Theatre Group put on a wonderful performance of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”. Congratulations on a great show!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
Congratulations to J.W. Adams-Silva who earned the Rutland Herald Bowler of the Year Award for the 2023-2024 season!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
J.W. Receives Bowling Award
Message from School Board Chair, Pati Beaumont:
5 months ago, Slate Valley
School Board Chair Letter
School Board Chair Letter
Reminder! It's time to sign up for Slater Round-Up! Available for all rising 7th graders, (current 6th graders) See what Middle School is all about! Fill out the form at:
6 months ago, Slate Valley
Slater Roundup
New Podcast: View at In this episode Superintendent Brooke Olsen-Farrell talks with School Board Chair, Patricia Beaumont, and Board Finance Committee Chair, Glen Cousineau about the revised FY25 Budget Proposal that will be put forth to voters on April 11, 2024. They discuss various topics from why the board chose this revised budget option, and they attempt to answer some common questions being asked from their serving community.
6 months ago, Slate Valley
Budget Revote Podcast
Over the next week, FHUMHS will be practicing an Options-Based drill to provide continued support and training around student safety. Please feel free to contact the school with any questions.
6 months ago, Ben Worthing
Safety Drills
Summer in Slate Valley! Hosted by Boys & Girls Club
6 months ago, Slate Valley
Summer in Slate Valley
FHUHS Newsletter: Week of March 17th
6 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS March 17 Newsletter
Mark your calendars! March 28th - Seniors Vs. Faculty - Diane Flood Memorial Basketball Game!
6 months ago, Slate Valley
Diane Flood Memorial Basketball Game