FHUHS Week of April 5, 2024 Newsletter: Go to https://www.smore.com/n/mbgw9
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Page 1 of FHUHS April 5 Newsletter
Reminder! It's time to sign up for Slater Round-Up! Available for all rising 7th graders, (current 6th graders) See what Middle School is all about! Fill out the form at: https://bit.ly/SlaterRoundup
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Slater Roundup
Reminder: Monday, April 8, 2024 is an EARLY RELEASE for all Slate Valley schools!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Early Release day at Slate Valley, Monday, April 8, 2024
Senior Spotlight: Featuring Chase Allen
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Senior Spotlight: Chase Allen
Slate Valley Unified USD Feature in Wednesday's Rutland Herald
5 months ago, Slate Valley
SVUUSD Feature in Wednesday's Rutland Herald
Slate Valley Unified USD Feature in Wednesday's Rutland Herald
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley Unified USD Feature in the Rutland Herald
Today, Thursday, April 4th, all Slate Valley Schools will be closed due to the weather.
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Snow Day
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 9, 2024 and join us for another Parent Information Event called: After High School Opportunities for Students with Disabilities This event is Virtual Online Only, Join by going to: https://meet.google.com/yrx-emty-vwc?authuser=0
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Parent Information Night Flyer
Senior Spotlight: Featuring Cheyanne Ricard
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Senior Spotlight: Cheyanne Ricard
Last week in Ms. DesJardins Chemistry class, students learned about stoichiometry (ratios in chemical reactions) using s'mores. When the lesson was done, they enjoyed eating the experiment!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Smores in Chemistry Class
Smores in Chemistry Class
Smores in Chemistry Class
Smores in Chemistry Class
From Athletic Director: Kim Alexander "Coaches, wrestlers, parents and I would like to thank Scott Shaddock for his 32 years of dedicated coaching at FHUHS. His commitment to the Slater Wrestling Program was incredible. He will be missed but not forgotten. We all wish you the best. Enjoy your retirement! Thank you Coach Shaddock."
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Coach Shaddock is retiring
Good Afternoon, While conditions are improving at Fair Union Middle/High School they have not improved to the level they need to resume occupancy of the building. As a result FHUMHS will be closed through Friday, April 5th. Please be assured we are working as quickly and carefully to address the situation at Fair Haven Union Middle & High School (FHUMHS). We are working closely with experts in the field and state officials. Safety is our number one priority. Remote days are not an option; those went away after the pandemic. Additionally, we still do not have access to the building to get student or staff materials. A lot of the legal flexibility to educate students went away after the pandemic. 51% of our students must physically be in the school building per the law for it to count as a school day. For those who are interested the legal citation is: 16 V.S.A. 1071(a)(1) “For purposes of this section, a majority of students enrolled in a school must be recorded on the school roll as in attendance on any day counted as a student attendance day.” That requirement has not been expanded to include all-school attendance through remote means. I am requesting a waiver for the missed days from the Agency of Education. The state requires students in attendance for 175 days. With the cancellation of school this week it brings our total to 174 student days. We are optimistic that the situation will continue to improve over the next couple of days. If the situation persists into next week we will reassess our plan which would likely add days to the end of the school year. Again, I will keep you updated as I have more information. Thank you for your patience, understanding and flexibility in this matter. As with the previous days, the Stafford Bus will run as scheduled. Sincerely, Brooke Olsen-Farrell
5 months ago, Slate Valley
No School April 4 & 5 at FHUMHS
Mark your calendars! Wednesday, April 17, 2024, come out and play some BINGO while supporting the Class of 2024's Project Graduation!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Project Graduation Bingo Night on April 17th at the American Legion
Class of 2024 Project Graduation Fundraiser - PreOrder Now!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Project Graduation Blanket Fundraiser
O.K. Class of 2024, how about completing your Senior Spotlight on this day away from school? This is your last chance to submit a Spotlight and be featured in the Lakes Region and Rutland Sun Newspaper. Only 11 submissions have been turned in, we can't ask for the space to be reserved in the paper if we don't have anything to fill it. Therefore, Monday, April 8th will be the last day to submit a form, this has been open for submissions since last October. Just go to https://bit.ly/fhuspotlight24 , complete the form and submit it with an uploaded photo. We are proud of our Slater Seniors and would love to share your thoughts, plans and accomplishments. Thank you to those who have participated, and thank you to Ms. LeBrun for creating the great bulletin board in the main lobby.
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Senior Spotlights
Happy Instructional Assistant's Day! Today, and everyday, the Slate Valley community is grateful for your contributions to our district! The connections you create while helping our students learn is invalualbe. Your patience promotes progress, you enable confidence and coordinate the chaos around our students to facilitate success. You are most definitely our behind the scene superheros! Thank you!
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Happy Instructional Assistant's Day
NOTICE: Good Morning, I know this is a difficult situation for all involved. Please be assured we are working as quickly and carefully to address the situation at Fair Haven Union Middle & High School (FHUMHS). School at FHUMHS will be closed again on Wednesday, April 3rd. Right now it is day to day as we need to ensure air quality has returned to the appropriate level throughout the building. Safety is our number one priority. Remote days are not an option; those went away after the pandemic. Additionally, we still do not have access to the building to get student or staff materials. A lot of the legal flexibility that was available to schools during COVID no longer exists. I am requesting a waiver for the missed days from the Agency of Education. The state requires students in attendance for 175 days. In Slate Valley, we have students in attendance for 180 days per our policies and contractual agreements. Therefore, we do have some wiggle room if we are granted the waiver. Again, I will keep you updated as I have more information. Thank you for your patience, understanding and flexibility in this matter. As with the previous days, the Stafford Bus will run as scheduled. Sincerely, Brooke Olsen-Farrell
5 months ago, Slate Valley
UPDATE & IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to the continued situation at the Fair Haven Union Middle and High School, the building will remain closed for tomorrow, Tuesday, April 2nd. Therefore there will be no school tomorrow for the Middle and High School. PLEASE NOTE: STAFFORD BUSSES WILL RUN AS SCHEDULED We have experts on the scene, and will provide updates as we receive them. Again, the building will remain closed to everyone at this time.
5 months ago, Slate Valley
ATTENTION: PLEASE READ Good Morning, I wanted to update you on the situation at Fair Haven Union Middle/High School that caused the closure of the building today. There was a break in the fuel oil line that supplies fuel to the boilers and upwards of 500 gallons of fuel oil leaked into the utility tunnels under the building and the boiler room. The fuel oil also drained into a sump pump in the boiler room and made its way into the sewer system. We have contracted with a hazardous waste company and reached out to the appropriate state officials. This is an ongoing situation and I will update you as more information is available. The building is closed to all at this time. Sincerely, Brooke Olsen-Farrell
5 months ago, Slate Valley
Available to every student, every morning!
5 months ago, Slate Valley