Elementary community-building activities.

A few images from the first day at OVS.

A huge Orwell thank-you to all who came out for another amazing Back-to-School BBQ and Open House.
Special gratitude to Chef Sam and her kitchen staff for serving a world record number of families.

Back to School BBQ
Open House
First Day of School
Please join us on Tuesday evening Aug 27 at 6 PM for our annual Back to School BBQ followed by classroom visits from 6:30-7:00.
The first day of school is Wednesday, Aug 28, Whoo-hoo!

Everyone in the Slate Valley is back and gearing up for an exciting school year! This morning during our district-wide gathering, we recognized some of the many outstanding members of our Slate Valley community. Congratulations to all of our 2019 District Award recipients!

Being on-the-go doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected with your child’s school. Our new app has everything you need to be an active participant in your child’s education Features include: Live Feed, News, Events, Athletics, Documents, Notifications and more.

Throwback Thursday: OVS Community Picnic 2019

Join host Dan Warnecke as he talks with Melissa Hoyer (and a student helper!) about the Snack Sack program: https://youtu.be/tFywZN5CYv4

Community members are welcome to attend to tell stories, learn, provide support, and share in a vision for a hate-free Vermont. FB Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/400176637372124