March 13, 1942 * U.S. Army launches K-9 Corps * On March 13, 1942, the Quartermaster Corps (QMC) of the United States Army begins training dogs for the newly established War Dog Program, or “K-9 Corps.”
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
Skiing is Canceled for today.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
OVS Middle School Sports Beat * Tuesday, March 10, 2020 * No practices or games scheduled for today.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
March 10, 1876 * First speech transmitted by telephone * The first discernible speech is transmitted over a telephone system when inventor Alexander Graham Bell summons his assistant in another room by saying, “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you.” Bell had received a comprehensive telephone patent just three days before.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
OVS Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
Spring Sports Registration * The SPRING SPORTS registration for Slate Valley Middle school is open and will be open through March 30, 2020. * CVS/OVS 7/8 Baseball and Softball * FHGS/BVS 7/8 Baseball and Softball * Slate Valley MS grades 6-8 Track and Field. Thanks
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
Green Mountain Music District V Festival * Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the Green Mountain Music District V Festival! Great job!
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
March 09, 1862 * U.S.S. Monitor battles C.S.S. Virginia * On March 9, 1862, one of the most famous naval battles in American history occurs as two ironclads, the U.S.S. Monitor and the C.S.S. Virginia, fight to a draw off Hampton Roads, Virginia. The ships pounded each other all morning but their armor plates easily deflected the cannon shots, signaling a new era of steam-powered iron ships.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
OVS Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
OVS Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
March 06, 1899 * Bayer patents aspirin * The German company Bayer patents aspirin on March 6, 1899. Now the most common drug in household medicine cabinets, acetylsalicylic acid was originally made from a chemical found in the bark of willow trees. In its primitive form, the active ingredient, salicin, was used for centuries in folk medicine, beginning in ancient Greece when Hippocrates used it to relieve pain and fever. Known to doctors since the mid-19th century, it was used sparingly due to its unpleasant taste and tendency to damage the stomach.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
Middle School Winter Sports Beat * Thursday, March 5, 2020 * No basketball practice or games on the schedule today.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
OVS Quote of the day
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
March 05, 1963 * Hula Hoop patentedMarch 5, 1963: the Hula Hoop, a hip-swiveling toy that became a huge fad across America when it was first marketed by Wham-O in 1958, is patented by the company’s co-founder, Arthur “Spud” Melin. An estimated 25 million Hula Hoops were sold in its first four months of production alone.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
March 3, 2020 Results
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
March Sporlight Value * Our spotlight value for March is Honesty. Being honest is being open, trustworthy, and truthful. When people are honest, they can be relied on not to lie, cheat, or steal. Honesty is telling the truth. It is admitting mistakes even when you know someone might be angry or disappointed. Being honest means that you don’t pretend to be something you are not. With honesty, you can trust things to be as they appear.
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
2019-2020 BVS/OVS 7/8 Boys Basketball Team!
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS-OVS 7-8 Basketball Team
Vermont Youth Project
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
OVS Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters
Middle School Winter Sports Beat * Tuesday, March 3, 2020 * NO practice or games
over 4 years ago, Patrick D. Walters