Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Joanthan Gallo
Teacher: Driver Education
FHUHS Faculty
Clark Glennon
Teacher: English
FHUMHS Faculty
Matthew Golden
Teacher: Special Education
Special Services
Ian Gosselin
Instructional Assistant
FHUHS Support Staff
James Gram
Teacher: World Language
FHUMHS Faculty
Adam Greenlese
Teacher: Physical Education
FHUHS Faculty
Tarah Hubbard
SAP Counselor
Special Services
Ed Hunter
School Resource Officer
School Resource Officer
Allison Irons
504 Coordinator
FHUHS Support Staff
Lance Jones
School Based Clinician
Special Services
Trevor Kelson
Teacher: Physical Education
FHUHS Faculty
Lisa Ladd
Instructional Assistant
FHUMHS Support Staff
Veronica Lambert
Instructional Assistant
FHUHS Support Staff
Kim Lemois
Instructional Assistant
FHUHS Support Staff
Andrew Levesque
Social Emotional Coach
FHUHS Support Staff
Jireh MarcaliƱas
Teacher: Music
FHUMHS Faculty
Eric Marchese
Teacher: Math
FHUHS Faculty
Julie Marsden
School Based Clinician
Special Services
Kevin McCarthy
Teacher: Science
FHUHS Faculty
Jill McClure
Instructional Assistant
FHUHS Support Staff