Trivia Tuesday: Did You Know?
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
School Safety Series at FHUMHS
Please join our FHUMHS Band for tonight's Winter Concert! The concert begins at 6:00 PM in the high school gym. Come enjoy a magical evening of music!
over 1 year ago, Ben Worthing
Tonight - December 12, 2022 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Or dial: (US) +1 530-618-7125 PIN: 991 413 623# Tonight’s Agenda: Previous Meeting Minutes: Next Board Meeting: Monday, December 19, 2022 – CES– 6:30pm
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Board Spotlight Announcement
Meet "Benson Village School's Administrative Assistant, Pam Arel" Monday
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Meet "Benson Village School's Administrative Assistant, Pam Arel" Monday
Today's Focus "on Math around the district" Friday comes from Benson Village School, Fair Haven Grade School, and Fair Haven Union Middle and High School. Mrs. Thurston's Benson kindergarteners were playing grab bag doubles, where they grab a handful of cubes and determine if the number is a double or not, along with deciding if it is an odd or even number. Her second grade class was working on solving double digit equations using a number line. Over at FHGS, Ms. Poalino's 6th graders were completing their data and statistics lesson, while upstairs in Mrs. McCrea's class, her first graders were proud to show how they add common denominator fractions, along with using coins to write money equations. Jumping to the the high school, Mr. Marchese's 9th grade students were writing equations in point-slope form of the line passing through given points! Looks like Slate Valley is developing some amazing mathematicians!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Focus on Math Friday
Benson Kindergarten and Second Grade Math
FHGS Grade 1 Math
FHGS Grade 6 and FHUMHS Grade 9 Math
Students in Mr. Merolle's Earth Science classes have been comparing the exhaust from a truck versus a fuel efficient car as a part of their studies on carbon dioxide emissions and climate change. They will be exploring the chemistry of fossil fuels, their geological origins, and the impact burning fossil fuels have on earth systems.
over 1 year ago, Ben Worthing
Earth Science
Earth Science
Please join our FHUMHS Music Program's Winter Concert next Tuesday, December 13th, at 6:00 PM. Our students are excited to share their love for music, and show off all the hard work they have put into preparing for a great performance!
over 1 year ago, Ben Worthing
Winter Concert
Throwback Thursday: 1991
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
2 Page Spread from a FHUHS 1991 Yearbook
1991 FHUHS Yearbook-Left Page
1991 FHUHS Yearbook-Right Page
Each week at FHUMHS, Mr. Chris Stanton, a retired teacher and school board member, meets with a small group of middle school students. The students receive mini-lessons on measurement, trees and different woods. At the end of each lesson, students record their learning by completing a written journal entry. The first group of students completed book cases, and the second group just finished smaller, individual pieces, including beautiful cutting boards. This is yet another wonderful example of Student Learning Achieved Through Engagement! #SLATE
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Completed Student Made Book Cases
Students working on the Book Cases
Beautiful Student Made Cutting Boards
Bird House and Drawer
The Science of Applying For College (On Time) Observation: Most College Applications Require Supporting Documents From Your High School Question: If Your College Application Deadline is 1/6/2023 Have You Requested Your Supporting Documents? Hypothesis: Your School Counselor's Need the Following Information By Friday, 12/9/22 To Complete the Supporting Documents On Time. Prediction: Seniors With College Application Deadlines of 1/6/2023 Will Submit the Following Information As Soon As Possible - Your Senior Biography - Your Resume - Transcript Request Form Test the Prediction: ...Contact Your School Counselor ASAP To Avoid Late Application Submissions. Mr. David Gale, School Counselor x2622 For Grade 9-12 Students with the last name: A-F Ms. Karla Ramey, School Counselor x2506 For Grade 9-12 Students with the last name: G-O Mrs. Tracey Cross-Baker, School Counselor x2401 For Grades 9-12 Students with the last name: P-Z
over 1 year ago, Guidance Office
Where are they now WEDNESDAY - Featuring Zachary Harvey FHUHS Class of 2012 alumnus, Zachary (Zak) Harvey, has successfully climbed the corporate ladder a mere decade after his high school graduation. Zak’s educational journey began in Castleton. He acknowledges that each primary and secondary educator were incredible, but credits three in particular for playing a critical role in inspiring his love of learning. First mentioned was Castleton Elementary School’s principal, Jean-Marie Oakman. Zak remembers her charismatic personality, and appreciates her fostering an “environment where learning and excelling in the classroom was encouraged, expected and celebrated”. Next he credits Castleton’s school librarian, who at the time was Mrs. Susan Lyman, for instilling a love of reading and recalls her constant encouragement and support. Third, during his time at Fair Haven Union High School, he remembers Mrs. Sandy Kuehn. “Mrs. Kuehn taught me invaluable lessons in the classroom on civics and geography, but perhaps even more important, to do whatever you do with heart and empathy. I have carried these words with me throughout college and career.” said Zak. Along with recognizing the support received in school, Zak was certain to mention the love and support of his parents, who always encouraged him to pursue his dreams. While at Fair Haven Union High School, Zak was actively involved in Student Government and participated in both winter and spring Track and Field. Zak attended Providence College in Rhode Island. He worked toward a major in Political Science and a minor in Economics. During his third year, Zak studied abroad at the University College London in England. He also interned two summers at Nasdaq, a stock exchange based in New York City. Upon receiving his degree, he joined the company full-time and moved to New York. Zak worked at Nasdaq for two years before joining the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 2018. While there, Zak worked in a series of positions. As of this September, Zak began working in strategy at the parent company, Intercontinental Exchange, for the President of Fixed Income and Data Services. Zak currently lives in Manhattan, but claims there is nothing better than coming home to Vermont. He plans to remain in the financial services industry, but would someday like to get involved with politics. When asked if he had any words of encouragement for our current Slaters, he reflected on a piece of advice received in college which was, “don’t pull strings, yank them.” He wants students to remember that everyone starts somewhere, so reach out to family friends, alumni, and teachers for help. Never be intimidated to reach out to those that came before you because “you never know where a conversation will lead or what doors someone can open.” Zak also referred to a quote, by poet Maya Angelou, on the importance of treating everyone with respect and kindness. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Great advice to keep in mind. Thank you, Zak, for sharing your journey. Slater Nation wishes you continued success, with a bright, happy future.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Zachary (Zak) Harvey  FHUHS Class of 2012  -	Attended Providence CollegeReceived a Bachelor of Arts  Degree with a Political Science  Major and Economics Minor  -	Undergrad Internship at NasdaqJoined the Company UponGraduation in 2016  -	Worked for the New York StockExchange (NYSE) from 2018-22  - Currently Works in strategy at the Intercontinental Exchange, for  the  President of Fixed Income and  Data Services  -Lives in New York, NY
YOUTH * LEADERSHIP * OPPORTUNITY HOBY Description: The Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership program allows students (currently in 10th grade) to attend a four-day leadership seminar in May or June of 2023 (details dependent on COVID) - some years it has been in person and some have been virtual events.  You will participate in leadership activities, meet leaders of Vermont State, and explore your own personal leadership skills, while learning how to lead others and make a positive impact in your community. From the moment you attend a HOBY program, you will be treated like a leader and encouraged to think critically about a wide range of issues that impact your life and the world.  If you are interested in being one of our HOBY Ambassadors, please write a short 1-2 paragraph statement about why you would like to attend.  Submit it to the Guidance Office on Friday, December 9th.  We will then have brief conversations with those students and select 2 of them to be the FHU representatives.  The cost of the program is free to the students, however, you will need transportation to and from the event if held in person. See your School Counselor in the Guidance Office if you have any questions. *You can also check out HOBY online at
over 1 year ago, Guidance Office
Trivia Tuesday: Did You Know?
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know? We have tripled our participation in music and theatre over the past year?
Meet "Fair Haven Grade School Physical Education Teacher, Parth Patel" Monday
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Meet P.E. Teacher Parth Patel
Who's this trio?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Throwback Thursday Photo from 1995
Please join us for our third and final Listening Tour at the Orwell Village School. The forum begins at 6:30 PM and is in person and open to the public. Connect with us, and partake in discussing the planning of the Slate Valley Unified Union 23/24 school budget with administrators and school board members. Your opinions matter!
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Last Listening Tour Tonight
FHUMHS staff and students ran a very successful Options-Based Lockdown Drill, using ALICE protocols, yesterday morning. We would like to thank everyone for their diligence exercising our comprehensive safety measures! Please feel free to contact Ben Worthing ( if you are interested in learning more about our safety goals.
almost 2 years ago, Ben Worthing
Juniors and seniors enrolled in Mrs. Doran's Voice and Vision class conducted and recorded interviews based on a topic of their choice. Topics ranged from the newly-implemented school rules, to the impact of COVID, to students' love of sports. This week they will be editing and creating their video documentaries.
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Recording interviews
Student Recording Interviews
Student conduction an interview
Students recording an interview
The Middle School November NewSlater.
almost 2 years ago, Fair Haven Union Middle SChool
Nov. NewSlater
Nov. NewSlater
Nov. NewSlater
Tonight, Wednesday, November 30th - 6:30 PM. at Fair Haven Grade School. Come to the second of three Listening Tours! Engage in discussing the planning of the 23/24 school budget with administrators and school board members. Your opinions matter to us! All are welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Listening Tours Graphic