It is an exciting time for our 8th graders; we are in the process of planning students’ transitions to Fair Haven Union High School. Late this week and next, FHU High School Counselors will be meeting with each eighth grade student to make them more knowledgeable about the high school course offerings, graduation requirements, education plans, and other opportunities that high school brings. The Fair Haven Union High School Counselors have a schedule for individual meetings with students and families. Please call 802-265-3636 to reach the FHU Counseling Office to see when your child’s FHUHS counselor is available for these appointments. Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend, however it is not required. As a reminder, these are course requests and not final schedules. Your child will receive their schedule in August prior to the first day of school.
over 1 year ago, Fair Haven Union Middle SChool
Today a group of Middle School students enjoyed lunch with Superintendent, Brooke Olsen-Farrell and Director of Curriculum, Casey O'Meara. Opportunities such as this afford students the chance to discuss with administration how their school year is going.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Lunch with the Superintendent
Meet Slate Valley Faculty and Staff Monday: Featuring Elizabeth Schuyler
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Meet Monday: Elizabeth Schuyler
Our next Community Advisory Council meeting will be Monday, May 1st, from 5:45 - 6:45 PM in the FHUMHS library. If you are interested in helping to bridge the gap between the community and school, please consider representing your town and join our group. Click the links below to read the upcoming meeting agenda, and the minutes from the previous, first, meeting: May 1st Agenda: April 3rd Minutes:
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
CAC Logo
Attention: Information regarding Spring/Summer P-EBT Benefits for Vermont Households. Please read this letter or view the PDF version at:
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Spring / Summer P-EBT Benefits
Tonight - April 24, 2023 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Benson Village School Cafeteria. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Or dial: (US) +1 484-424-6571 PIN: 744 487 433#
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
April School Board Announcement
On April 13th, a district wide Mega Arts Festival occurred at Fair Haven Union Middle and High School. This spectacular all day event was organized and executed by our teachers of music, art and theatre. Each school sent students from grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 to take part in the Chorus section, while district wide students in grades 6 through 12 participated in the Art and Band sections, with theatre group consisting of students from 7 through 12. Each section worked all day on creating together, which culminated in a grand performance for evening viewers. The doors opened to the public at 5:00 PM. Attendants were treated to a student art show, which followed with performances from the district theatre group, chorus and band. For many, it was the first time students from all the schools worked together on various projects. It was a busy, fun filled event. Please enjoy the slideshow (follow this link featuring photos from the day, and songs sung by the district chorus.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Mega Arts Festival
Congratulations to Eli who, through an internship at the Fair Haven Wastewater Treatment, received his operator license from the state of Vermont. Eli will be the first person in the state of Vermont to graduate high school with an operator license in-hand. This will allow Eli to work as a Chief Operator at any waste water treatment facitility in the state. A special acknowledgement needs to be extended to all who helped in facilitating the internship. Encouraging our town’s youth to become interested in infrastructure and municipal operations is a key component to a healthy future for not only Fair Haven, but all of Vermont.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Students in Mrs. Crumb's 7th grade REAL class have been studying misinformation and fact-checking skills. Recently, they created infographics to explain how to use a fact-checking skill. The selected infographics highlight the skills of critical observation, reverse image search, and magnifiers.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS JV Baseball Home vs. Middlebury on 4/12/23 Thank you to Alicia Shaw for the amazing photos!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
JV Slater Baseball
In honor of the Mega Arts Festival happening tonight, we are throwing it back to our Fair Haven Union High School Band of 50 years ago! Come see the musical tradition continue as our schools perform as one District Band! Also enjoy the chorus from around the district sing together for the first time this year, watch our district students collaborate with some theater productions, and last, but not least, view artwork created by district students. The festivities are happening at the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School. Doors open at 5:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
1973 Band
The IBOTS were one of 90 teams in NE that were invited to compete at the District level in Springfield, Ma. from April 6-8th. They spent 2 days doing qualifying matches and then the top 8 teams became Captains for the playoff alliances that took place on Saturday. They were picked to play with the 5th Alliance team. Playoffs are double elimination style and, unfortunately, they were knocked out in the 2nd round. The kids had a fantastic time, placed 21st out of 227 teams for the entire season, won the District Sustainability Award, met SPOT (the Boston Dynamics robot dog), AND were amongst the 32 teams that received an invitation to Worlds in Houston, Tx.!!! They fly out with their robot to compete with 800 teams from all over the world on Tuesday, April 18th!!!
over 1 year ago, Ben Worthing
On April 3rd, Superintendent Brooke Olsen-Farrell and Director of Curriculum Casey O'Meara hosted the first Slate Valley Community Advisory Council meeting. It was well attended, with engaging conversation. The next meeting is Monday, May 1st beginning at 5:45 PM in the Central Office Conference Room at FHUMHS. All are welcome! Our serving towns were almost fully represented, absent were participants from Benson and West Haven. If you are at all interested, please consider joining us on May 1st.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
First SVCAC Meeting
Congratulations to Stafford students Anthony C., Maria M., Jaylin S., and Jeremy C. for their accomplishments at the SkillsUSA spring conference! The SkillsUSA Vermont chapter holds two conferences each year to celebrate and share career-readiness and professional excellence. All Vermont CTE (Career and Technical Education) students are invited to take part! The Spring Conference, which took place April 5th and 6th, features contests in almost 70 different professional areas where Gold Medal winners earn the opportunity to compete in the SkillsUSA National Conference held each summer. FHUHS is proud to announce that Anthony Campbell received a Gold Medal in Automated Manufacturing, and will be competing in this summer's Nationals in Atlanta, GA. Three other FHUHS students placed with Silver Medals, Maria Meyer in Action Skills, Jaylin Shepherd in Culinary Art, and Jeremy Coan in Firefighting. Slate Valley is incredibly proud of our students who are pursuing their passions and excelling in doing so!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Anthony C.
Maria M.
Jeremy C.
Jaylin S.
The Spring MEGA Performances are almost here! Please join us on Thursday, April 13th, for an evening of art and performances. The art show will begin at 5:00 pm. The band, chorus, and theater performances (pictured here) will begin at 6:00 pm. Please come support all the hard (and creative) work our FHUMHS students have been preparing!
over 1 year ago, Ben Worthing
We are excited to be hosting our Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences tonight and Friday afternoon. Invitations have been emailed to families by their student's teachers. Please feel free to contact the school if you have had any problems scheduling a meeting.
over 1 year ago, Ben Worthing
Trivia Tuesday: Did You Know?
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Importance of Reading with your Children
Meet Slate Valley Faculty & Staff Monday: Featuring Katie Hart
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Katie Hart
Tonight - April 10, 2023 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle and High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Or dial: (US) +1 240-428-8652 PIN: 683 214 677#
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Board Meeting Invite
It is the most important meal of the day!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Breakfast Available for All