Good Afternoon, FHUMHS Students did a fantastic job with our ALICE Options-Based Drill. Thank you for supporting our school safety, and (as always) please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
10 months ago, Ben Worthing
Yesterday two of our faculty were celebrated at the University of Vermont's Outstanding Educator Day. Congratulations to Shannan Mead and Nate Morris for their acknowledgement of being UVM Teachers of the Year!
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Vermont Outstanding Educator Day 2023
Vermont Outstanding Educator Day 2023
Vermont Outstanding Educator Day 2023
FHU Seniors & Senior Class Parents/Guardians, check this out! FAFSA FINANCIAL AID MEETING Wednesday, November 29, 2023 5:30PM TO 7:00PM High School Cafeteria Use this opportunity to connect with Tia Stillman, Gear Up Outreach Coordinator and High School Counselors; Tracey Cross-Baker & David Gale. - Learn more about the FAFSA delay and what this means for your senior. - Get Assistance Setting Up Your Student's FAFSA Id and Accounts. (Student and Parent/Guardian Social Security Numbers will be needed.) - Prepare for FAFSA enrollment. To RSVP - Please call (802) 265-3636 or email
10 months ago, Guidance Office
Congratulations to Slaters Jack Spaulding, forward and team assist leader, and Jace Hetrick, forward/midfielder and team scoring leader who were named to the Southern Vermont League B Division second team. Also, Asa Young, midfielder, was named to the Southern Vermont League B Division first team and the Vermont third division all-star team.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
J Spaulding
J Hetrick
A Young
Tonight - November 13, 2023: You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle and High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Or dial: (US) +1 904-580-6324 PIN: 670 027 336# Reminder: The Finance Committee Meeting before the District Board Meeting will begin at 5:00 PM in the Central Office Conference Room.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley Board Meeting
THE UPSTANDERS THE UPSTANDERS WILL SCREEN LIVE ON Thursday, November 16, 2023 AT FHUMHS in the gym Pizza/childcare beginning at 5:30pm Film starting at 6:00 p.m. Questions & Answer Session 7:00-7:30 pm The Upstanders Toolkit Access Link:
10 months ago, Slate Valley
The Upstander
Week of November 10, 2023 FHUHS Newsletter:
10 months ago, Slate Valley
November 10 Newsletter
FHUMHS Varsity Indoor Track Mandatory Parent/Athlete Meeting Tuesday, November 21, 2023 6:00 PM in the FHUHS Cafeteria ****Please register your athletes on ****Please bring an updated physical form if you haven't submitted one ****If you are unable to attend, you will need to schedule a meeting w/ the Coach (Jon Oakman) prior to your athlete starting practice. Come one, Come all, this is a great sport to get involved in!!
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Indoor Track Meeting
All Slate Valley Schools will be closed today due to the weather. Typically this would have been a delayed start, but because it is a scheduled half day we need to just cancel. Parent teacher conferences will be rescheduled.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Snow Day
Yesterday, the Law Enforcement class practiced some basic obedience with Bear, Officer Ed's Black Russian Terrier. Over the past week, students have been learning about the care and training of police dogs from Officer Ed (VT Hall of Fame K-9 Handler). On Monday, students practiced dog training with chairs, then Tuesday was the real thing. Bear was a great sport.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Dog Handling
Dog Handling
Dog Handling
Dog Handling
Dog Handling
Cheer Open Gym - Tuesday, November 14th - 4:30 - 5:30 PM in the Middle School Gym. All are invited to try stunts, tumbling and cheer!
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Cheer Open Gym
Fair Haven Union Middle School Students will participate in a coin challenge for Veterans Day. All TA members must work together to outcompete the other TAs in a race to earn money for our local Veterans. Mrs. Coombs and several other middle school staff and students will be making a dinner for local Veterans at the Castleton Legion. All money raised from this challenge will go directly to the costs of the dinner. This coin challenge is intended to be easy for everyone to participate in, because we can all find some spare change kicking around. Look in the couch cushions, in your parents cars, volunteer to do the laundry for your family and check the pockets. Even small contributions can have a large impact. Small actions, decisions, and choices matter. They have an impact on you, those around you, and your greater community.
10 months ago, Fair Haven Union Middle SChool
FHUHS and Slater Nation would like to extend their Congratulations to the 5 Varsity Football players that were chosen to play in the North / South All Star Classic Football game. The players are Ty Mackey, Trey Lee, Joe Buxton, Tim Kendall, and Billy Lussier. We are so proud of each and everyone of you - Slater Nation wishes you good luck!
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Senior Football Players
Congratulations to Emilee Higgins, a four year varsity field hockey player. Emilee has been a critical part of the growth of the program and has been selected for the Vermont twin state team. She will play with the other top seniors in the state against New Hampshire’s twin state team in June.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Twin State Team
FHUHS Newsletter: Week of November 3, 2023
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Week of November 3, 2023
AP Psychology students recently completed a Visual Perception Lab where they wore perception altering goggles and tried to perform multiple trials of specific tasks, such as pouring water from one cup to another, shooting baskets, tossing and catching a stress ball, etc. They wanted to see if the experience resulted in any degree of perceptual adaptation to the new view of the world their brains were receiving as a result of the goggles. Some goggles flipped the world completely upside down and some shifted their visual field 30 degrees to the left. One station also required them to wear an eye patch to explore the concepts of retinal disparity and monocular versus binocular cues.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
AP Psych Class
AP Psych Class
AP Psych Class
AP Psych Class
The next Slate Valley Community Advisory Council meeting will be Monday, November 6th, from 5:45 - 6:45 PM in the Central Office Conference Room at FHUMHS. If you are interested in helping bridge the gap between the community and school, please join Brooke Olsen-Farrell, our district's superintendent, along with other administrative staff for an hour of conversation. All are welcome! Information and Agenda can be found at
10 months ago, Slate Valley
CAC Meeting November 6, 2023
Student lunches with the Superintendent started up again yesterday. Ms. Olsen-Farrell and Mr. O'Meara (Director of Curriculum) had engaging conversation with FHU officers and representatives from the Freshman and Sophomore classes. It was nice to hear the students voice both their concerns and compliments on how the school year was going.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
FHUHS Student Lunch
7th and 8th Grade Robotics Club is off and running! The group meets after school on Wednesdays with Mr. VanDerKern.
10 months ago, Slate Valley
Robotics Club
Robotics Club
Robotics Club
Robotics Club
Robotics Club
Robotics Club
Robotics Club
**ATTENTION JUNIORS & SENIORS - UPCOMING COLLEGE VISIT** SUNY - Adirondack Monday, 11/6/23 - 9:00am Main Office Conference Room Information Session with Application Materials Provided - A College Access Advisor will present a brief overview of SUNY Adirondack and the application process and provide a handout with directions for students to complete the application on their own time. Students will also be made aware of the steps to submit their application (i.e., Placement Testing, completing the FAFSA/TAP, Housing Application). Email Ms. LeBrun at if you would like to attend this College Visit Monday, November 6, 2023 at 9am!
10 months ago, Guidance Office