This Week's FHUHS Newsletter:
7 months ago, Slate Valley
First Page of Newsletter
February 22nd - Girls Basketball and Cheer Senior Celebration! Around 6:55 PM before the start of the game.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Girls Basketball and Cheer Senior Celebration
Mark your calendars on March 20th to see The Importance of Being Earnest! This looks to be a real great performance! Here are a few photos of the Theatre group rehearsing scenes from Act 3.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Rehearsal for the The Importance of Being Earnest
Rehearsal for the The Importance of Being Earnest
Rehearsal for the The Importance of Being Earnest
Rehearsal for the The Importance of Being Earnest
Rehearsal for the The Importance of Being Earnest
Rehearsal for the The Importance of Being Earnest
Mark your calendars! On February 28th, Join Director of Curriculum, Casey O'Meara, for a conversation about teaching and learning in Slate Valley Schools. 5:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. If you can't come in person, join virtually by going to:
7 months ago, Slate Valley
2024 Community Connections
This week, Ms. Sanborn's Spanish classes (both middle and high school) made Spanish Valentine's Day cards for their teachers, friends, and families.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Spanish Valentines
Spanish Valentines
Spanish Valentines
Spanish Valentines
Spanish Valentines
Spanish Valentines
Spanish Valentines
Spanish Valentines
This week in World Language class, Ms. Sanborn's students took a break from the same old same old and engaged in some glittery and messy art projects. Here are the results! French 1 and 2 classes made Mardi Gras masks. French 3 students made replicas of prehistoric cave paintings to wrap up their Prehistory unit.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Mardi Gras Masks
Mardi Gras Masks
Cave Paintings
Cave Paintings
Cave Paintings
***HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE BAR RAFFLE REMINDER*** Check It Out - Purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win a 3lb bar of Hershey's Chocolate. If you don't win that, you have a 2nd chance to win a 5lb bar of Hershey's Chocolate! 1 Ticket = 2 Chances to Win!! Tickets for the 3lb & 5lb Hershey Chocolate Bars will be sold during A & B Lunch on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 in the lobby of FHUMHS. *Prices: $2.00 for 1 Ticket or $5.00 for 5 Tickets You will have 1 more chance to get a ticket before the Varsity Girls Basketball game at 7pm on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. *Prices at the Game: $3.00 for 1 Ticket or $10.00 for 5 Tickets The winning tickets will be drawn at the beginning of half time during the Varsity Girl's Basketball Game. You MUST be present to win! Remember 1 ticket = 2 chances to win! (*Tickets are available to all FHUMHS students during lunch on 2/14/24 and the general public at the Varsity Girls basketball game on 2/14/24.)
7 months ago, Student Athlete Leadership Team
Allison and Erika Peterson are Alpine Skiers who ski independently for FHUHS with Rutland. Great job to two amazing athletes!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Alpine Skiers from FHUMHS
Photos of our Theatre Group rehearsing for "The Importance of Being Earnest" to be performed on March 20th!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Theatre Group Rehearsing
Theatre Group Rehearsing
Theatre Group Rehearsing
Theatre Group Rehearsing
Theatre Group Rehearsing
Theatre Group Rehearsing
Fair Haven Union Middle School February Newsletter:
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Middle School Newsletter
Fair Haven Union High School Newsletter: Week of February 9, 2024
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Tonight - February 12, 2024 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link : Or dial: (US) +1 415-900-4570 PIN: 927 937 757#
7 months ago, Slate Valley
February 12 School Board Meeting
Tomorrow: Come One, Come All and Celebrate Mackenzie Balch our Senior Varsity Bowler at Rutland Bowlerama, Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 8:45am Congratulations Mackenzie - Slater Nation is so proud of you. We will also be celebrating the seniors from our opposing teams!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Senior Bowling Celebration
New Pump Station going in!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Pump Station
Pump Station
Middle School students, who participate in Project Build with Mr. Stanton, delivered two special made tables this week. They proudly made them from scratch... The rough lumber came from Book's Farm, they went to The Mint in Rutland and used their machines to plane the boards, and completed construction in the woodworking shed at FHUMHS. What a great accomplishment! Thank you Slaters!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Students from Project Build
Students from Project Build
Students from Project Build
Students from Project Build
This week we celebrate both school counselors and our school-based clinicians for all they do. Slate Valley greatly appreciates their dedication, compassion, and hard work. Thank you!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
School Counselor Appreciation Week
A huge congratulations to our band students who performed a wonderful concert on Friday, February 2nd at the Green Mountain Music District Festival! Students from FHU included: Ayame Merkel, Clara Young, Allison Rogers, Elaina Allard, Asa Young, Abby Young, Libby Rockwell, Emmet MacKay, and Ollie Benson. And another HUGE congratulations to our 6 students who made it into the VMEA All State Festival! Ayame Merkel, 1st Chair Flute Clara Young, 2nd Chair FLute Elaina Allard, 1st Chair Bass Clarinet Libby Rockwell, 2nd Chair French Horn Emmet MacKay, 3rd Chair Euphonium Jack Russell, Percussion Go Slaters! We are so proud of you!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Green Mountain Music District Festival Participants
Green Mountain Music District Festival Participants
Wear Pink to the Girl's Game Tonight!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Wear Pink Graphic
Time to register for Spring Athletics!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Spring Athletics Registration
FHU Junior-Senior Prom: Save the Date!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Prom Save the Date Graphic