Mark your calendars for our February Coffee & Conversation Events: Enjoy a cup of coffee on us while engaging in conversation about the FY25 Budget with school board members and administration! We hope to see you there!
11 months ago, Slate Valley
Coffee and Conversation Events
If you were not able to attend one of the in-person events, or did and still have questions concerning the FY25 Budget, please join us for the last of our Budget Forums this upcoming Monday (February 5) at 6:30 PM. This forum is ONLINE ONLY. The virtual session link is: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 559-856-2317‬ PIN: ‪113 535 185‬# Other information links: Slate Valley FY25 Budget Presentation: 2023-24 Slate Valley Annual Report & FY25 Proposed Budget:
11 months ago, Slate Valley
Last Budget Forum
Thank you to Mr. DeMatties - 6th grade teacher at CES, for making these 4 beautiful new benches for our after school athletic programs at CES. We are so thankful. The benches are appreciated by all of our 5th and 6th grade teams and coaches.
11 months ago, Slate Valley
New Benches
Falcon Gathering Pictures continued...
11 months ago, Wendy Foran
One of my favorite days of the month....Falcon Gathering!!! Today was awesome! We had a bunch of SOAR Awards and even a few Falcon Excellence Awards! Then for the Grand Finale, The American Heart Association stopped by to make us aware of the February challenge to be heart healthy!
11 months ago, Wendy Foran
FHGS is happy to have the grand opening of our school store and be teaming with 1st place spiritwear to offer a discount on Falcon gear! Check it out!
11 months ago, Wendy Foran
New Episode of Educational Insights: A Superintendent's Podcast FY25 Budget Discussion with Director of Finance, Cheryl Scarzello.
11 months ago, Slate Valley
Podcast: FY25 Budget Discussion
Slate Valley Unified USD is hosting another round of Coffee & Conversations starting in February. Please join us to discuss any questions you may have concerning the FY25 Proposed Budget. The dates are as follows: February 6, 2024 at Buxton's Store in Orwell 7:30-9:00 AM February 7, 2024 at the Wooden Soldier in Fair Haven 7:30 - 9:00 AM February 22, 2024 at the Castleton Free Library 12 noon - 1:30 PM
11 months ago, Slate Valley
February Coffee and Conversations
Just a reminder that breakfast is available for every student, every morning!
11 months ago, Slate Valley
Breakfast is available for all students every morning
What do you do on a rainy Friday? At FHGS, you work on learning new things! 1st grade, thanks for teaching me all about Australia!
11 months ago, Wendy Foran
Today, January 25th, all Slate Valley schools are on a 2 hour delay due to icing on the back roads.
11 months ago, Slate Valley
Curious about the FY25 School Budget? Want to better understand what you will be voting on this March 5th? Then please attend one, or all, of the FY25 Budget Forums. The first four sessions will be in person only, the last date will be virtual only. We hope to see you there!
11 months ago, Slate Valley
FY25 Budget Forums
Our Falcon store is officially open for business! Thank you to our 5th and 6th grade Student Voice group and their advisors Mrs Surething and Mrs. Kennedy for your hard work researching, planning and opening our school store!! Students will be able to purchase items as well as redeem Falcon Bucks earned through PBiS challenges. We are so excited to have a student-run school store at FHGS!!
11 months ago, Deb Infurna
Tonight - January 22, 2024 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Benson Village School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 413-341-8928 PIN: 729 534 486#
11 months ago, Slate Valley
SVUUSD Board Meeting Announcement
Kindergarten is studying forces and motion. They needed to use low and high ramps to study the effect of ramps and gravity. Then they had to measure the distance the marble rolled.
11 months ago, Slate Valley
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Kindergarten studying Forces and Motion
Our 5th graders had a wonderful opportunity to learn about rockets from an expert! Retired NASA scientist, Mr Jon Nadler spoke with our 5th grade students about his position at NASA. He talked about Newtons Law and how rockets leave the ground and go into space. Students engaged in an activity that demonstrates the force of gravity. Mr. Nadler encouraged our students to be interested in science and space and follow their dreams! Our students really enjoyed the presentation. Thank you, Mr. Nadler!
11 months ago, Deb Infurna
Today, Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - All after school activities (this includes Boys & Girls Club) are canceled due to the weather.
11 months ago, Slate Valley
After School Activites Canceled
Notice: Wrong date in last post! Petitions are due January 29, 2024. Slate Valley Unified USD School Board Members Needed! Please consider serving your community by running for a position on the district's school board. If interested, contact your town office, get your required voters signatures and return your petition by January 29, 2024 to be on the March ballot for this year's Town Meeting day.
11 months ago, Slate Valley
School Board Members Needed
Curious about the FY25 School Budget? Want to better understand what you will be voting on this March 5th? Then please attend one, or all, of the FY25 Budget Forums. The first four sessions will be in person only, the last date will be virtual only. We hope to see you there!
11 months ago, Slate Valley
FY25 Budget Forums
Watch, or Listen to, the Newest Episode of Educational Insights: A Superintendent's Podcast. During this episode, Brooke Olsen-Farrell, along with Director of Curriculum, Casey O'Meara, Director of Operations, Chris Cole and Middle School Principal, Jennefer Paquette, provide an update on the renovations occurring in the Middle School wing. View at
11 months ago, Slate Valley
Tour of Middle School Renovations