As we approach the opening of school in the fall, please read the following letter from Superintendent Olsen-Farrell in regard to state travel restrictions:
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Reminder - Our last scheduled day for food pick up at FHGS is Tuesday, August 11th and will include meals thru Friday, August 14th. Meals are available for pick up between the hours of 10:00AM and 11:00AM on Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the summer at Fair Haven Grade School. Any child from any town who is 18 years of age or younger can receive meals. When children are not present at the time of meal pick up, a parent or guardian can only receive meals for their child or children. Adults cannot pick up meals for other children when the children are not present with the adult.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
We have started a Frequently Asked Questions document regarding the reopening of schools: Please check back often as this will be updated as new information becomes available.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
5th Grade Book Buddies story walk, now showing at the Fair Haven Park!
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Reminder: There will be a budget informational meeting this evening (Monday, August 3, 2020) at 6:30 PM. Please connect virtually by going to or by calling (US) +1 234-307-0704 PIN: 698 588 330#.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
If you missed our free food box giveaway on Saturday you still have a chance to come pick one up. The remainder of the boxes will be distributed tomorrow, Tuesday, July 28th between 10am-11am at the Fair Haven Grade School!
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Good Morning, please read the following letter from our Principal, Mrs. Prehoda:
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Good afternoon, please read the following letter ( from Superintendent Olsen-Farrell in regard to the district’s Hazing, Harassment, and Bullying Policy.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Food Box Distribution Day: Saturday July 25th Noon-2PM Pick up behind FHGS All families within the Slate Valley School District are invited to pick up a Food Box. There are 100 boxes available on a first come, first served basis.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Food Box
Helpful resources for the upcoming (August 11th) Slate Valley Budget Revote: Budget Web Page Budget Flyer Frequently Asked Questions
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Please read the following letter from Superintendent Olsen-Farrell regarding the re-opening of school:
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Reminder, there is a special SVUUSD Board Meeting tonight at 6:30 PM Virtually connect by going to: See the agenda for more information.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Summer Meals Reminder: Meals will be available for pick up between the hours of 10:00AM and 11:00AM on Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the summer at Fair Haven Grade School. Any child from any town who is 18 years of age or younger can receive meals. When children are not present at the time of meal pick up, a parent or guardian can only receive meals for their child or children. Adults cannot pick up meals for other children when the children are not present with the adult. The last day for meal pick up will be Tuesday, August 11th and will include meals through Friday.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Reminder: You're invited to come discuss the upcoming August 11th Slate Valley Budget Revote with your board members on July 9th at 6 PM.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Discussion with Board Members
CSO Summer Reading Challenge Letter: Reading Log:
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley middle school athletes (grades 5-8) can sign up for Fall 2020 athletics from July 1st-August 14th on Reminder- A yearly physical is required. 2020-2021 Athletics Information: Please read the full letter from Kim Alexander, District Middle School Athletic Director, here: Slate Valley Middle School Athletics (grades 5-8) Fall 2020 Sports Registration for: FHGS/BVS 5/6 Soccer FHGS/BVS 7/8 Boys Soccer FHGS/BVS 7/8 Girls Soccer CES/CVS/OVS 5/6 Soccer CVS/OVS 7/8 Boys Soccer CVS/OVS 7/8 Girls Soccer Slate Valley Padded Flag Football (6-8) Slate Valley Cross Country (6-8)
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Looking for some summer activities for the kids? Check out Castleton Rec's great line-up of POP-UP programs, for an afternoon of fun. Programs include Theater/Drama, Pottery, Fishing, Animal Tracking, Birding and Archery. Registration is only open for 10 days, and space is limited. Click the link to learn more and sign up:
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
School Reopening Update - More Information Will Be Provided the Week of July 20th As you know, we are planning for reopening of schools in the fall. This planning will draw upon input from the parent survey as well as guidance from the Agency of Education (AOE). Guidance from the AOE has changed throughout the pandemic and continues to change frequently. In view of this, we are planning to provide further information during the week of July 20th. Thank you for your continued patience and support during these challenging times. AOE Guidance:
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
You're invited to come discuss the upcoming August 11th Slate Valley Budget Revote with your board members on July 9th at 6 PM.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Discussion with Board Members
2020-2021 Athletics Information: Please read the letter from Kim Alexander, District Middle School Athletic Director, here: Slate Valley Middle School Athletics (grades 5-8) Fall 2020 Sports Registration for: FHGS/BVS 5/6 Soccer FHGS/BVS 7/8 Boys Soccer FHGS/BVS 7/8 Girls Soccer CES/CVS/OVS 5/6 Soccer CVS/OVS 7/8 Boys Soccer CVS/OVS 7/8 Girls Soccer Slate Valley Padded Flag Football (6-8) Slate Valley Cross Country (6-8) Please sign up on the Formreleaf registration (July 1 - August 14)/REMEMBER a yearly physical is mandatory.
over 4 years ago, Slate Valley