Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
The tradition continues, enjoy viewing this year's Book Character Parade! Click the link below or scan the QR Code. https://youtu.be/_AMAyId3ZJ0
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Students in Ms. Burke’s second grade decided to try their hand at some origami after taking out a book during library.
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
A big THANKS goes out to our Fire Department, EMT, Police and Bus folks who all came for our first annual Community Safety Day! These folks taught us all kinds of safety lessons and even had lunch with the students. It was a wonderful day!
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Dear Slate Valley Families, I always try to be as transparent as possible about the issues our schools are faced with so we can work together to solve issues. We all want to ensure a safe, welcoming environment for all of our students. As we emerge from the pandemic we have seen a steep rise in the student misbehavior in our school district. The severity of which varies from school to school. Although we are not the only district dealing with these types of issues in the state or country, it is concerning. This coupled with decreased staffing is putting a great strain on our system. Some of our students and families are really struggling. In the last several years we have increased mental health support throughout our schools, but there is more that needs to be done. Staff are working tirelessly to meet the needs of our students. However, the needs that exist are more than our system can bear at times and there are few resources outside of the school. The schools have been asked to solve all of the problems in our communities and we lack the capacity to do this despite our very best efforts. In the coming weeks you will receive communication from your school principals on new code of conducts, reminders on expectations, and what the school is doing to teach and reteach those behavior expectations. We would ask that you help us by reviewing these expectations with your children. We would also ask that if you receive a call from the school about a student behavior that you assume good intentions regarding the school staff. Our staff is very dedicated and they all want the very best for our students. While it is okay to question and be frustrated by something, it is never okay to be disrespectful towards our staff. We are always happy to have a conversation with you regarding your child. We are all on the same team. I often speak about a community caretaking approach. Now is the time for us to come together and support one another. What does it mean to be part of Slate Valley? Some of the behaviors we are seeing in connection to the school do not, and should not, represent what it means to be part of the Slate Valley community. We have many proud Slate Valley traditions, let's all work together to continue the greater good that our district truly represents. We need your support! Best, Brooke Olsen-Farrell Superintendent
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
CES Spirit Week continues! Thursday was Favorite Shirt Day!
almost 2 years ago, Kim Prehoda
2nd graders in Mrs. Gorruso's and Miss Burke's classes have been working with Kyle Cornell, a Project Manager at Casella Construction, who has been helping with a science unit on engineering. During his first visit, Mr. Cornell explained his job and showed photos of projects he was involved with. During his next visit, students worked in pairs to create two types of structures using only index cards and paperclips. The first structure had to be at least 12 inches tall and the second had to be at least 6 inches tall, but had to be strong enough to hold a book. Students worked well together and many had success with their index card structures! Stay tuned for more engineering challenges !
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Wednesday was Crazy Sock Day! Check out these crazy socks!
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Spirit Week continues! Can you guess today's theme? Look closely... It was Wear Your Clothes Inside Out Day!
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Inside Out 1
Inside Out 2
Join Our Team!
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Last week Ms. Sharon, librarian from the Castleton Free Library, visited Mrs. Mason's Pre-K Class. She read books and provided a fun craft where students made an Elephant or Piggie hat. Thank you Ms. Sharon for fostering a love of reading to our students.
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Did You Know?
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley