Tech Integration Coach, Ken White, used the district Glowforge to laser cut pieces of plywood into puzzle pieces that when put together created wooden boxes. 5th graders enjoyed assembling the boxes with Mr. White. They focused on specific directions and were eager to assist other classmates so all were able to take something cool home!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Box assembly 1
Box assembly 2
Box assembly 3
Box assembly 4
Slate Valley Food Drive!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley Food Drive
Each week Mr. DeMatties’s 6th graders partner up with Mrs. Gorruso’s 2nd graders for book buddies. The students enjoy getting to know one another and love reading new books together!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
CES Book Buddies
CES Book Buddies
CES Book Buddies
CES Book Buddies
Please join us for our first Coffee and Conversation, 7:30 AM at the Birdseye Diner in Castleton. Have a cup of coffee on us and let's chat about the FY24 School Budget!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Coffee and Conversation at BirdsEye Diner 1-18
Mrs. DeSantis' 6th grade class had a visit from Joe Mark, who is on the Castleton Select Board. He talked with students about our local government. Thanks, Mr. Mark!
over 1 year ago, Kim Prehoda
All Slate Valley buses will be main road pickup only today due to the icy conditions of back roads.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Tonight! School Safety Series kickoff. First focus: Threat Assessment presented by Slate Valley Unified Union School District Administration.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
First of Four Presentations: Threat Assessment
School Safety Series at FHUMHS Flyer
Trivia Tuesday: Did You Know?
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Trivia Tuesday: Did You Know?
Tonight - January 9, 2023 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Or dial: (US) +1 321-805-3448 PIN: 448 935 190# Tonight’s Agenda: Previous Meeting Minutes: Next Board Meeting: Monday, January 23, 2023 – FHGS – 6:30pm The SVUUSD Finance Committee Meeting is at 5:30 p.m., also in the FHUMHS Library. The FY24 Budget - Final Draft will be discussed. All are welcome to attend in person, or you can virtually connect by going to: Or dial: (US) +1 347-508-5454 PIN: 387 999 213#
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley Board Meeting
Adults know that building relationships with students is a key part of every child's support system at school. Check out this shot of one of our SRO's who got to spend some time in our Pre K classroom last week.
over 1 year ago, Kim Prehoda
At Friday’s academic assembly, Mr. DeMatties’s sixth grade class started things off with a skit that his students produced and performed. The short play was to teach their younger audience the meaning of Compassion. They did a wonderful job! Click the link to see their performance.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
The meaning of compassion
First Trimester Academic Awards: Congratulations Cougars!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Kindergarten and first grade
Second and third grade
Fourth and fifth grade
Sixth Grade  and Go Cougars
Do you really get the internet service providers say you do on the FCC Map? Click the link to check and to file a challenge if the info is wrong. Correcting it could mean tens of millions of additional federal dollars for Vermont and more affordable service for Vermonters! 1. Visit the FCC National Broadband Map website. 2. Type your address into the Search by Address field and press the enter key. The map will zoom in on your location. On the right of the screen are the reported broadband service providers and maximum connection speeds they offer for sale at your location. 3. Review the reported services. 4. If the reported services are available at your location, you’re all done with the availability assessment! If the reported service availability is inaccurate, we encourage you to enter an availability challenge. 5. If you are having difficulties, call the Consumer Affairs Hotline (800) 622-4496. For video instructions on how to file an availability or location challenge: How to Submit an Availability Challenge - How to File a Location Challenge to the FCC’s Map -
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
US Federal Communications Commission Badge
It's 2023! Today is a good day to...........
over 1 year ago, Kim Prehoda
Our latest ThoughtExchange is still active. Please participate, review the full FY24 proposed budget presentation, add some thoughts and rate others. Go to or scan the QR code.
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
ThoughtExchange Logo
QR Code ThoughtExchange
School Safety Series, beginning next week! Free and Open to the Public!
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
School Safety Series at FHUMHS
Meet "Castleton Elementary School Custodian, Tammy Davis" Monday
over 1 year ago, Slate Valley
Meet Custodian Tammy Davis
4th grade minions rose to the challenge of creating wind turbine blades that had the best shape and angle to produce the most energy . A voltmeter determined the energy created as the blades spun around on the VEEP generator facing the wind source made by a large box fan. Students discovered they needed a consistent angle on all blades to harness the most wind power, like a sail on a ship.
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Wind Turbine Project
Wind Turbine Project
Wind Turbine Project
Mrs. Lanfear's third grade class made apple pies just before December break. They were delicious!
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Baking Apple Pies in Third Grade
Baking Apple Pies in Third Grade
Baking Apple Pies in Third Grade
Baking Apple Pies in Third Grade
Yesterday, 4th grade celebrated the winter solstice with hot chocolate by the campfire. They read the story "The Shortest Day" by Susan Cooper.
almost 2 years ago, Slate Valley
Hot Chocolate by the Campfire
Hot Chocolate by the Campfire
Hot Chocolate by the Campfire
Hot Chocolate by the Campfire