The Incredible Shrinking Carrot - 5th grade students weighing carrots for Numbers Corner.
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
Weighing Carrots
Middle School BEARS learning coding in STEAM class.
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Coding
BVS Coding
BVS Coding
BVS Coding
Middle school Bears learning how to weave in World Studies.
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Weaving
BVS Weaving
BVS Weaving
This 1/2 math lesson was inspired by all that Mrs. Sturtevant has been learning at the Vermont Mathematics Initiative. Students practiced turning and talking to engage in mathematical discourse. We looked at "how many" we could find on a picture, and then counted objects in different ways.
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS How Many
BVS How Many
BVS How Many
Kinders learning to copy and extend patterns.
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Patterns
BVS Patterns
BVS Patterns
PreK 🐻s!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
PreK Bears
Happy Pre-K students!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS PreK 1
BVS PreK 2
BVS PreK 3
Go coyotes!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Coyotes
Thank you to all of the families and staff that participated in the BVS Open House last night! Scholastic Book Fair runs through this morning!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Open House 1
BVS Open House 2
BVS Open House 3
BVS Open House 4
Reminder - Picture Day is 9/26
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Picture Day
BVS is proud to be a part of Gear Up! Our middle school students will be going to see Jared Campbell on the 9/25 at FHGS! (
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS National GearUp Week
Kindergarten working with Ozobots!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Ozobot1
BVS Ozobot2
BVS Ozobot3
BVS Ozobot4
Reminder - Open House tomorrow 9/18, 6-7pm! Scholastic Book Fair, Boy & Girl Scout sign-up!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
First and second grade science students went outside to observe clouds and how they change over time!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Science - Clouds1
BVS Science-Clouds 2
BVS Science-Clouds 3
BVS Science-Clouds 4
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Artwork3
Reminder! BVS K-8 Open House 9/18 @ 6-7pm! Book fair happening as well!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
More 🐻s conquer Mt. Jungle Gym!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
The first Kinder Guest Reader! Thank you for sharing your time with us!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Guest Reader
Our kinder 🐻s are practicing following text from top to bottom and left to right!
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
Elementary and middle school, beginning of the year activities.
over 5 years ago, Slate Valley
BVS Activities 1
BVS Activities 2
BVS Activities 3