Message from School Board Chair, Pati Beaumont:
New Podcast: View at
In this episode Superintendent Brooke Olsen-Farrell talks with School Board Chair, Patricia Beaumont, and Board Finance Committee Chair, Glen Cousineau about the revised FY25 Budget Proposal that will be put forth to voters on April 11, 2024. They discuss various topics from why the board chose this revised budget option, and they attempt to answer some common questions being asked from their serving community.
1st Graders sorted shapes by their attributes.
Summer in Slate Valley! Hosted by Boys & Girls Club
Measure and compare workplace game.
6th Graders are planning mock dinner parties with a limited budget. They are calculating the cost of all meal components and figuring the cost per person.
2nd and 3rd Graders have been working hard, writing a classroom book about kindness.
Tonight - March 18, 2024
You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Special Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 803-250-5816 PIN: 801 211 859#
Please note: To participate in conversation virtually and/or ask a question virtually, please use the “raise hand” icon in Google Meet. Typing responses or questions in chat is not an option.
It's a Slate Valley Teacher In-Service Day! Superintendent Brooke Olsen-Farrell and guest speaker Jackie Wilson, greet faculty and staff who gathered this morning for a quick introduction to agenda items and work they will be focusing on for the day. Everyone then dispersed into smaller groups for more in depth training.
4th Graders worked together to read liquid measurements and convert them from milliliters to liters
Kinders have been learning about simple machines. They've built and tested a lever, wheel, and an axle, as well as an inclined plane.
5th Graders shared their science bubbles with their Pre K buddies.
Monday Night - March 18, 2024
You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Special Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 803-250-5816 PIN: 801 211 859#
Please note: To participate in conversation virtually and/or ask a question virtually, please use the “raise hand” icon in Google Meet. Typing responses or questions in chat is not an option.
5th and 6th graders shared their dioramas of Black Beauty, Hatchet, and Old Yeller will all of the younger grades. They interpreted their scenes over 16 times, as each class broke into small groups for the guided tours.
5th and 6th graders shared their dioramas of Black Beauty, Hatchet, and Old Yeller with all of the younger grades. They interpreted their scenes over 16 time, as each class broke into small groups for the guided tours.
Reminder: Tomorrow night, March 12th, is the first of two parent information nights. Hope to see you there! You can join by going to:
Tonight - March 11, 2024
You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 484-424-5323 PIN: 683 665 442#
Daisies are working to earn their full petal badge. The two they've worked on are honest, and fair, and friendly and helpful petals.
BVS Troop 63444 was invited to join Orwell's troop for the Girl Scout Stem Van event. The girls learned about polymer clay and made some cool things with it.