Reminder, tonight! Virtual Listening Tours with SVUUSD Board Members (Note: You are welcome to attend any of the meetings regardless of what town you reside in.) Join board members for a conversation about Middle School Reorganization prior to their vote on May 24th. May 19th, 6 PM - Orwell/Benson - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 786-563-9119 (PIN: 104762513)
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Listening Tour Postcard
Reminder, tonight! Virtual Listening Tours with SVUUSD Board Members (Note: You are welcome to attend any of the meetings regardless of what town you reside in.) Join board members for a conversation about Middle School Reorganization prior to their vote on May 24th. May 18th, 6 PM - Castleton/Hubbardton - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 442-900-4083 (PIN: 398252852) If you are unable to attend tonight, there is another opportunity tomorrow evening: May 19th, 6 PM - Orwell/Benson - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 786-563-9119 (PIN: 104762513)
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Listening Tour Postcard
Reminder - This week! Virtual Parent Informational Series - This series is intended to help parents and students make a smooth transition from special education in school to life after high school. For more information and to register:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Virtual Parent Informational Series
Reminder, tonight! Virtual Listening Tours with SVUUSD Board Members (Note: You are welcome to attend any of the meetings regardless of what town you reside in.) Join board members for a conversation about Middle School Reorganization prior to their vote on May 24th. May 17th, 6 PM - Fair Haven/West Haven - Connect by going to or by phone (US) +1 585-532-5413 (PIN: 713397202) If you are unable to attend tonight, you are welcome to attend on these evenings: May 18th, 6 PM - Castleton/Hubbardton - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 442-900-4083 (PIN: 398252852) May 19th, 6 PM - Orwell/Benson - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 786-563-9119 (PIN: 104762513)
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Listening Tour Postcard
Slate Valley Summer Camp 2021 Ages 6-12 Slate Valley is partnering with Fair Haven Recreation Department at NO COST to any Slate Valley family providing the following Summer Camp options at Fair Haven Grade School for the summer of 2021. Each option includes free breakfast and free lunch, tuition, transportation from our sister schools, all needed supplies, and three weeks of learning activities run by Slate Valley teachers. Register at or email or call your child's school to register before June 1st, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Slate Valley Summer Camp 2021
Dear Slate Valley Families: In coordination with the Vermont Department of Health, Vermont Emergency Management, and the Agency of Education, Slate Valley Unified School District has scheduled an upcoming vaccination clinic at Fair Haven Union High School. This clinic will serve students ages 12 and up in our district, as well as students in other nearby public and independent schools and members of our community – including parents! We especially look forward to providing vaccines for our 12-15 year-old students, who are newly eligible to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine ( The Health Department and Vermont pediatricians have put together this two-page information sheet ( on the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and why it is safe and effective for this age group. Please see details about the vaccination clinic below. If you have any questions, please contact Deb Hanson, RN at We are eager to support you however we can to help get our students vaccinated for their health and the health of our community. Sincerely, Brooke Olsen-Farrell Superintendent Clinic Details Clinic Location: Fair Haven Union High School Clinic Street Address: 33 Mechanic St, Fair Haven, VT Clinic Date: Wednesday, May 26th Clinic Hours: 9:30-3:30 Registration The best way to reserve a dose of vaccine for your child is to register online ( As part of registering online, you will be asked to provide your consent as their parent/guardian for your child to receive the vaccine. More information on registering online is available on the Health Department website ( Anyone who is unable to make their appointment online, needs help, or who wants to speak with someone in a language other than English can call (855) 722-7878 and press 1 for interpretation services, Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. This phone line is TTY enabled. If your student attends Fair Haven Union High School and you register for an appointment during the school day, your child will be able to attend their vaccine appointment while at school. You do not need to be present, but you are welcome to attend with them if that would be helpful. We also encourage you to make an appointment for yourself if you are not yet vaccinated! If your child attends the clinic without you, they will be asked to confirm the answers to health questions that were part of the registration process, such as whether or not they: -Have any history of allergic reaction to vaccines or injectable therapies -Are currently sick with COVID-19 -Have recently had any other vaccines -Have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood thinners -Are breastfeeding or lactating Walk-Ins The best way to ensure a dose is available for your child is to register in advance, but depending on how many registrations are made, we expect there to be a limited number of walk-in doses available. If your child takes advantage of a walk-in appointment, we will need to get your consent for them to be vaccinated in one of three ways: -You can complete and sign the Vaccine Consent Form ( -You can come to the clinic and give your consent in person. -A member of the vaccine clinic staff or the school nurse can call you on the phone to talk to you and document your consent. Other Options to Get Vaccinated If our school clinic is not a convenient time for your family, there are many options statewide to get vaccinated. Your 12-15-year-old can register for a vaccine at any community vaccine clinic providing the Pfizer vaccine that is convenient to you. In addition, pharmacies at Kinney Drugs, CVS, Costco and Hannaford’s are now offering appointments for Pfizer vaccine to Vermonters aged 12 and up. Please note that each pharmacy has its own process and requirements for parental consent.
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Good Afternoon, This month, the FCC is accepting enrollments for the Emergency Broadband Benefit. The Emergency Broadband Benefit is a temporary FCC program to help families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and so much more. As of May 12, 2021, eligible households will be able to enroll in the program to receive a monthly discount off the cost of broadband service from an approved provider. Eligible households can enroll through an approved provider or by visiting To learn more about the benefit, visit and the FAQ page:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Emergency Broadband Benefit
Reminder - This week! Virtual Parent Informational Series - This series is intended to help parents and students make a smooth transition from special education in school to life after high school. For more information and to register:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Virtual Parent Informational Series
Reminder! Tonight (May 10th) You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board (virtual) Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Participation will be virtual only. Connect by or join by phone (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 565 144 524 6127# Tonight’s Agenda: Previous Meeting Minutes:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
May 10 Board Spotlight
Vermont Forward Plan Clarifications to School Sports Guidance With changes May 1 in the State’s COVID-19 guidance that included advancing to Step 2 of the Vermont Forward Plan, the transition of recreational sports programs to Universal Guidance, and an updated masking policy that requires masks outdoors when you are in a crowd or with other households where you can’t maintain a 6-foot distance, there have been a number of questions about how these apply to both recreational and school-based sports programs. Please review the following clarifications. For athletes participating in school-based sports: The most recent version of A Strong and Healthy Year Guidance, published by the Agency of Education states the following: All staff and students are required to wear facial coverings while in the building. They must also wear them when outside of the building if adequate physical distancing of at least six (6) feet cannot be maintained. -Consistent with the Strong and Healthy Year guidance, athletes participating in low contact and no contact school-based spring sports (i.e., tennis, track and field, baseball and softball) are no longer required to wear masks so long as six feet of physical distance can be maintained. Baseball and softball players must wear masks while sitting in the dugout -Athletes participating in sports involving moderate contact or close proximity (i.e., boys and girls lacrosse, ultimate frisbee) must continue to wear masks at all times during practice and game play. All athletes must wear masks when being bused to a game or meet, in any indoor setting (i.e., locker room or training room), or participating in team-based meeting with six feet of physical distance cannot be consistently maintained. For spectators at outdoor school-based or recreational sports events: -Consistent with the Vermont Forward Plan, 300 unvaccinated people, plus any number of vaccinated individuals, can attend outdoor sports events as spectators. Spectators are not required to wear masks at outdoor sports events so long as six feet of physical distance can be maintained between households. For spectators at indoor school-based or recreational sports events: -Consistent with the Vermont Forward Plan, one unvaccinated person per 100 square feet up to 150 unvaccinated people (whichever is less), plus any number of vaccinated people, can attend indoor sports events as spectators. Spectators must wear a mask at all times while attending an indoor sports event. If an event has no way of determining if an individual is vaccinated, assume all are unvaccinated for capacity limit.
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
In honor of Staff Appreciation Week, we would like to express our gratitude for all of our staff, especially during this extraordinarily difficult year. Thank You!
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Staff Appreciation Week
Reminder - This week! Virtual Parent Informational Series - This series is intended to help parents and students make a smooth transition from special education in school to life after high school. For more information and to register:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Virtual Parent Informational Series
Save the Date! Virtual Listening Tours with SVUUSD Board Members (Note: You are welcome to attend any of the meetings regardless of what town you reside in.) Join board members for a conversation about Middle School Reorganization prior to their vote on May 24th. May 17th, 6 PM - Fair Haven/West Haven - Connect by going to or by phone (US) +1 585-532-5413 (PIN: 713397202) May 18th, 6 PM - Castleton/Hubbardton - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 442-900-4083 (PIN: 398252852) May 19th, 6 PM - Orwell/Benson - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 786-563-9119 (PIN: 104762513)
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Listening Tour Postcard
Good afternoon, as of this moment the Agency of Education has not changed their stance on mask wearing outdoors even though it was changed for the general public. Masks are still required for spectators at all Slate Valley athletic events. We will notify families when the Agency of Education changes their guidance. Thank you for your help with this.
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Save the Date! Virtual Parent Informational Series This series is intended to help parents and students make a smooth transition from special education in school to life after high school. For more information:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Parent Informational Series
Good Evening, Please read the following letter regarding the special airing of “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety” on Monday, May 3:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Save the Date! Virtual Listening Tours with SVUUSD Board Members (Note: You are welcome to attend any of the meetings regardless of what town you reside in.) Join board members for a conversation about Middle School Reorganization prior to their vote on May 24th. May 17th, 6 PM - Fair Haven/West Haven - Connect by going to or by phone (US) +1 585-532-5413 (PIN: 713397202) May 18th, 6 PM - Castleton/Hubbardton - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 442-900-4083 (PIN: 398252852) May 19th, 6 PM - Orwell/Benson - Connect by going to or join by phone (US) +1 786-563-9119 (PIN: 104762513)
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Listening Tour Flyer
Save the date! On Monday, May 3, 2021, Slate Valley will hold a special screening of the documentary, “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety," online to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders and experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative panel discussion, led by Kristin H. Benway, Director of Special Services, with special guests Megan Oldenburger, RMHS School Based Clinician, Michael Kell, School Counselor, and former Slater Cael Christian. Register at iNDIEFLIX Education has sparked a global conversation about anxiety through screenings of its documentary, “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety.” For more information:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Dodge House Donation Drive - A FHUHS Student’s R.E.A.L. Project Please view the flyer here for more information: This drive is being held by the Slate Valley Unified School District. We hope to raise awareness of homeless Veterans, and support the Dodge House in Rutland, which "provides shelter, clothing, food, and an individualized program to reintegrate veterans back into the community and help them to achieve self­ sufficiency" ( Donation boxes will be located in the front offices of all Slate Valley schools from March 29th and April 25th.
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley
Save the date! iNDIEFLIX Shines the Light on Anxiety with Must-See Documentary, “ANGST: RAISING AWARENESS AROUND ANXIETY” ANGST will screen live on: Monday, May 3, 2021 AT 6:00pm Register at iNDIEFLIX Education has sparked a global conversation about anxiety through screenings of its documentary, “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety”. On Monday, May 3, 2021, Slate Valley will hold a special screening of the documentary online to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders and experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative panel discussion, led by Kristin H. Benway, Director of Special Services, with special guests Megan Oldenburger, RMHS School Based Clinician, Michael Kell, School Counselor, and former Slater Cael Christian. For more information:
almost 4 years ago, Slate Valley