Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Dear Slate Valley Community,
Thank you for your participation in our recent ThoughtExchange on school budget priorities. We had over 400 participants with 125 thoughts shared and over 5,000 ratings for those thoughts. On Monday night, the top thoughts were shared with the school board. They were as follows:
Continuation of free breakfast and lunch in our schools.
Enrichment opportunities for students.
Further addressing student behaviors throughout the system.
Addition of a wood and metal shop 7-12.
Staff retention.
The board and administration plan on taking all of this feedback into consideration as we build our FY24 budget this fall.
- Brooke Olsen-Farrell
Did You Know?
At no fault to anyone, the tickets that were sold were accidentally recycled. If you were a person that purchased a ticket, or tickets, or know of anyone that did, PLEASE email Kim Alexander (kalexander@svuvt.org) with your name and phone number and we will reprint tickets.
Tickets were pulled through Friday, October 14th. We will give everyone a chance to respond and get their name back in by Nov 1st and then we will
Thank you all for your UNDERSTANDING of this dilemma.
Yesterday, a group of middle school students enjoyed lunch with Superintendent, Brooke Olsen-Farrell and our Director of Curriculum, Casey O'Meara. They chatted about how the year was going so far in the new middle school wing, and suggestions the students had for improvements.
Did You Know?
Winter Coaches Needed! If you are interested please contact our Athletics Director, Kim Alexander at kalexander@svuvt.org
Did You Know?
Tonight - October 17, 2022 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle and High School Library. You can virtually connect by going to: https://meet.google.com/zns-hjwp-gae Or dial: (US) +1-319-435-9078 PIN: 550 538 051# Tonight’s Agenda: https://5il.co/1j9zp Previous Meeting
Minutes: https://5il.co/1ir1q Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 14, 2022 - Fair Haven Union Middle & High School at 6:30 p.m.
Did You Know?
We are going to close our first community ThoughtExchange discussion question Monday evening, October 17th. If you would like to see what new exchanges have been added to rate and comment on, or if you thought of a new comment to add, please click this link: https://tejoin.com/scroll/841970988
Thank you to everyone who took part in this first community wide exchange.
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Friday, October 28th!
Attached is a link to a new platform we are using to generate opinions on certain matters we are working on in our school district. The platform is called ThoughtExchange. This is the first exchange to circulate among all district parents, guardians and community members. Please take a few moments to exchange some thoughts on planning for the next academic year in relation to the school budget. Through this platform you can post a thought, along with rate and comment on others' thoughts. We value your opinions, they matter and are appreciated. All thoughts and comments remain anonymous. Thank you. To take part, just click the link below:
Custodians needed! If you are interested please contact Chris Cole, Director of Operations at 802-265-4905 or email ccole@svuvt.org.