Reminder: Tonight - District Annual Meeting - 6:30 PM The legal voters of the Slate Valley Unified Union School District (SVUUSD) consisting of the towns of Benson, Castleton, Fair Haven, Hubbardton, Orwell and West Haven are hereby warned and notified to meet at Fair Haven Union Middle High School Band Room on Monday, February 26, 2024 at 6:30 PM to conduct the following business: Article 1: To elect the following officers to serve for a term of one (1) year: • Moderator • Clerk • Treasurer Article 2: To hear and act upon the reports of School District Officers. Article 3: To approve annual salaries for the School Directors and other elected officers of the School District. Article 4: Shall the voters of the School District authorize the Board of School Directors to borrow money by issuance of bonds or notes in excess of anticipated revenues for the next fiscal year. Article 5: To have the Board of Directors of the School District present the proposed school budget for the ensuing year. Article 6: To transact any other business that may come before the meeting. Attendance can be in-person or virtual. VIRTUALLY CONNECT BY GOING TO OR BY CALLING ‪(US) +1 240-428-8613‬ PIN: ‪861 320 258‬# NOTE: Anyone who attends virtually will be seen as a “passive participant” meaning they can ask questions and comment but cannot vote from the floor.
7 months ago, Slate Valley
SVUUSD Annual Meeting
Reminder - This Wednesday, February 28th, Join Director of Curriculum, Casey O'Meara, for a conversation about teaching and learning in Slate Valley Schools. 5:30 - 6:30PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. Can't attend in person? Join virtually by going to:
7 months ago, Slate Valley
2024 Community Connections
How about Breakfast out this Sunday to support the Class of 2024 Project Graduation? February 25, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Fair Haven American Legion!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Community Breakfast
Please join us this Thursday, February 22nd, at the Castleton Free Library for some coffee and conversation! Discuss the FY25 budget with administration and school board members. Children are welcome, supervision and creative activities will be available while adults meets. This event begins at noon. We hope to see you there!
7 months ago, Slate Valley
SVUUSD Coffee and Conversation
Rutland Herald District Spotlight: February 16, 2024
7 months ago, Slate Valley
Sauntering through Slate Valley
Mark your calendars! On February 28th, Join Director of Curriculum, Casey O'Meara, for a conversation about teaching and learning in Slate Valley Schools. 5:30 PM in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. If you can't come in person, join virtually by going to:
8 months ago, Slate Valley
2024 Community Connections
Tonight - February 12, 2024 You’re invited to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Fair Haven Union Middle & High School Library. This meeting will be in person. You can virtually connect by going to: Video call link : Or dial: (US) +1 415-900-4570 PIN: 927 937 757#
8 months ago, Slate Valley
February 12 School Board Meeting
On Wednesday, February 7th, Superintendent, Ms. Olsen-Farrell and Director of Curriculum, Mr. O'Meara, enjoyed conversation over lunch with members of the FHGS Student Voice. The students shared that school day favorites included recess, math, science and dismissal. They also gave Ms. Olsen-Farrell and Mr. O'Meara a tour of their school store. Their list of improvements were: -to provide Vegetarian options at lunch -Snacks should be free, but just 1 a day -They shouldn’t use Lexia -They really needed to stock up on stress balls in the school store!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Lunch with the Superintendent
Lunch with the Superintendent
This week we celebrate both school counselors and our school-based clinicians for all they do. Slate Valley greatly appreciates their dedication, compassion, and hard work. Thank you!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
School Counselor Appreciation Week
It's Vermont School Board Recognition Month! Thank you to our SVUUSD Board for their dedicated service and commitment to our educational system.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Thank You to our School Board Members
This past weekend, Castleton Elementary School's Assistant Principal, Bonnie Lenihan along with Linda Corliss, an Instructional Assistant also from CES, presented at the VPA Winter Symposium, in Woodstock, VT. They proudly shared information about our district's Instructional Assistant Mentoring Program. Wonderful job ladies, we thank you!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
VPA Presentation
REMINDER TONIGHT! If you were not able to attend one of the in-person events, or did and still have questions concerning the FY25 Budget, please join us for the last of our Budget Forums tonight (February 5) at 6:30 PM. This forum is ONLINE ONLY. The virtual session link is: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 559-856-2317‬ PIN: ‪113 535 185‬# Other information links: Slate Valley FY25 Budget Presentation: 2023-24 Slate Valley Annual Report & FY25 Proposed Budget:
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Last Virtual Budget Forum
Available to every student, every morning!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Breakfast available
Mark your calendars for our February Coffee & Conversation Events: Enjoy a cup of coffee on us while engaging in conversation about the FY25 Budget with school board members and administration! We hope to see you there!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Coffee and Conversation Events
If you were not able to attend one of the in-person events, or did and still have questions concerning the FY25 Budget, please join us for the last of our Budget Forums this upcoming Monday (February 5) at 6:30 PM. This forum is ONLINE ONLY. The virtual session link is: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 559-856-2317‬ PIN: ‪113 535 185‬# Other information links: Slate Valley FY25 Budget Presentation: 2023-24 Slate Valley Annual Report & FY25 Proposed Budget:
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Last Budget Forum
Thank you to Mr. DeMatties - 6th grade teacher at CES, for making these 4 beautiful new benches for our after school athletic programs at CES. We are so thankful. The benches are appreciated by all of our 5th and 6th grade teams and coaches.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
New Benches
New Episode of Educational Insights: A Superintendent's Podcast FY25 Budget Discussion with Director of Finance, Cheryl Scarzello.
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Podcast: FY25 Budget Discussion
Slate Valley Unified USD is hosting another round of Coffee & Conversations starting in February. Please join us to discuss any questions you may have concerning the FY25 Proposed Budget. The dates are as follows: February 6, 2024 at Buxton's Store in Orwell 7:30-9:00 AM February 7, 2024 at the Wooden Soldier in Fair Haven 7:30 - 9:00 AM February 22, 2024 at the Castleton Free Library 12 noon - 1:30 PM
8 months ago, Slate Valley
February Coffee and Conversations
Just a reminder that breakfast is available for every student, every morning!
8 months ago, Slate Valley
Breakfast is available for all students every morning
Today, January 25th, all Slate Valley schools are on a 2 hour delay due to icing on the back roads.
8 months ago, Slate Valley