FY26 Budget Vote Results

Article 7: Passed 1181 Yes to 720 No

Article 8: Failed 789 Yes to 1107 No

FY26 Budget

Slate Valley Unified Union School District is committed to maintaining a high level of transparency in the development and management of our school budget. We believe that open communication and accountability are essential to fostering trust within our community. The school board recognizes the importance of providing clear and accessible information about their budgetary decisions. Please use this page as a resource to better understand the FY26 School Budget.


2024-25 Annual Report & FY26 Proposed Budget

Click here to see the full PDF version of the Annual Report & FY26 Proposed Budget.

To see the report in flip book format click here or the cover image below.

Letter From Our Superintendent

Re: Governor Scott's Plan for Education

Dear Slate Valley,

I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts on Governor Scott’s bold and ambitious plan for the future of education in Vermont. If you haven't heard about it, I have provided the links below. Like many of you, I recognize the urgent need to address key issues of equity, opportunity, and affordability across the state. Meaningful change in these areas will require significant effort and thoughtful reform, and this plan represents an important step forward in that process.

On Wednesday, January 22nd, the Governor introduced his vision for Vermont’s education system. While this proposal offers a high-level framework, ambitious goals, and substantial changes, many details will need to be worked through. The plan will ultimately require legislative approval, and as the process unfolds, adjustments will likely be made to reflect input from various stakeholders.

This is just the beginning of what will undoubtedly be a collaborative and evolving process. I want to assure you of my ongoing commitment to transparency throughout. I will continue to share updates and pertinent information with you as it becomes available, ensuring that you remain informed every step of the way.

As always, if you have questions, please feel free to reach out.

Warm regards,


Links to Governor Scott’s Plan:

Recording of Legislative Briefing: Governor Scott’s Education Transformation Proposal

Governor Scott’s Education Transformation Proposal One Pager

Governor Scott’s Education Transformation Proposal Policy Brief

Slides: Governor Scott’s Plan to Support Vibrant Communities


FY26 Budget Presentation

Click here to see the full PDF version of the FY 26 Budget Presentation or click the image below.

FY26 Estimated Tax Rates

The above tax rates shown are estimates because the final yield has not yet been determined by the legislature. To view the most up-to-date tax rate estimates, click on “FY26 Tax Rate Estimate” under resources on this page. Alternatively, you can visit bit.ly/SVFY26PrelimTaxRates

The Slate Valley Unified Union School District is actively planning and discussing the FY26 Budget, which will be presented to our community for a vote on March 4, 2025. We welcome your suggestions and questions regarding this budget as it evolves.

Your input will be shared with the school board and administration for consideration, discussion, and response. We will post answers and updates on our website, through local news outlets, and on social media platforms.

Click Here to submit a suggestion or question concerning the FY26 Budget.

Your opinion matters to us, and we greatly appreciate your time in sharing your thoughts.

Please consider attending other venues to express your thoughts, questions and concerns. Four Coffee and Conversation events happened in the mornings around the district. Budget Listening Forums happened in the evenings at district schools from the end of October to the end of November. School board meetings are all public and can be attended both in person and virtually, to see when and where the board meets, click here.

Click the Image Below to Read About VT's Education Funding System: (Prepared by VT Agency of Education)

Slate Valley School Board Members



Fair Haven



West Haven

Patricia Beaumont-Stannard

Tim Smith

Christopher Stanton

Christina Ryan

Peter Stone

Open Seat

Rebeckah St. Peter

Julie Finnegan

Curtis Hier

Janis Reinke

Glen Cousineau

Open Seat

Jaime King

Susan Traverse

Sabina Peer

Matthew Bravo

John Wurzbacher

Open Seat